
Let's not judge his work for cheating on his wife (well, we can judge him personally for that I suppose). Let's judge his work based on how much Avengers: Age of Ultron sucks ass.

10 Wealthy White Men That Cheat On Their Wives! You Won't Believe Number 9!!

Sounds…kind of lame.

Kate Beckinsale still looking fine as hell even as a blurry reflection.

Amen. I've worked quite a bit of food service and I was always baffled by how picky grown adults can be with food. I get the no onions, no mayo or whatever (I don't care for sour cream myself). But I'd have finicky adults with no food allergies whining about mushrooms and acting like they were going to lose their shit

I have two little guys and generally the kids menu is hit or miss. Some places have good prices and nice portions for the kids. One family Italian place we go to has a pizza for $5.00, but it's like a 12" pizza so got some to take home. Kids' menus aren't the problem though, it's parents who insist on having the kids'

Well, it seems it's not just the set pieces, it's the set up time for each shot that needs to be covered in a day. These super-budget films have very strict production schedules and you only really have X amount of time budgeted for each camera/light/sound set up. So if they're not planning thoroughly and are running

Maybe if they'd consider making films that are universally appealing, more families would take their kids It's the Power Rangers for Christssake. Sam Rami's Spider-Man trilogy is proof that a superhero type story can be told in a way that is fun and accessible for younger audiences and not alienating to parents. That

If he's a Hitchcock fan, then hopefully he'll actually understand cinematic visual language (something Snyder seems to struggle with).

I recently revisited Batman Forever and Batman & Robin and they were actually better than I remembered. Super campy, yes, but after the dour nature of Batman Returns, it was a welcome change of pace. The costumes and sets are quite over-the-top, but it brought a touch a silliness back to the Batman franchise.

While some of her songs are enjoyable radio fodder, Katy Perry's songwriters give her some of the goofiest and clunkiest lyrics. That song "Rise" is a prime example.

I loved season 4. It took some of the call-back jokes and puns to absurd lengths which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Haaaands down. Pure cinema.

This album is still dope as hell. Em is such a better and more verbose rapper now though. Vintage Em is still better than most stuff out there now.

This is awful. I agree with Farva5. Why not have Marvel artists illustrate a poster every once and a while? When you have access to the industry's great comic cover artists and seemingly unlimited money, why would you release this dogshit poster?

"In spoofing something so forgettable, they’ve made something even less memorable." That shit brought me to tears. Bravo.

The Sam Rami trilogy definitely hold up. I watch them all the damn time with my kids and they are always great (especially Spider-Man 2). The Webb moves are weak cinema, but the Spider-Man sequences are okay. Everything else about the Webb moves is completely forgettable.

…Why do we need a live-action remake of Akira? Just go watch Akira….

Jim Gaffigan has always made me laugh and I'm glad AV Club was able to get a little time with him to share his family's story with the readers. Happy she's in recovery and wishing them the best. And that bit about joke commentary is pretty cool. Definitely want to check that out.

While he has a nice voice, that "Sign of the Times" song is boring 4/4 corny dog shit.