
I found myself rooting for Bronn to die.

My band name is "on/off switch for the thermostat"

Do I need to own a sour cream gun?

I read more about this theory on reddit and it makes a lot more sense. This AV article is pretty poorly written.

But Mike and Ryan didn't discover the SUV… Halbach's Aunt did… I don't get how this theory is coherent.

That's Rob Stark in Cinderella, not Jon Snow.

Hearing his voice is like listening to elephants being killed.

She died!?

At least they found another lesbian to replace him.

I wonder if the A.V. Club is aware that other comedians exist. Other female comedians in fact. I bet some of them are even lesbians!

Does she expect us to Goebel with gratitude for that apology?

Call me old fashioned, but I prefer analog penetration.

No, THANK. you!!!!!!

He said they are allowed to open their mouths as long as they say something funny.

I want to hurt them!? I don't even know them…

Who the fuck are these online stars?

I remember the scene when Marvin Berry sees Jerry Lewis playing guitar at his high school prom and then he calls his cousin Chuck

I liked this movie until the stupid "twist" at the end.

Lafayette's transformation into Aunt Jemima will be complete by the series finish.

It's a matter of taste. If you love to hear Jeff Goldblum stammer and like to be annoyed by know-it-all children, then yes it is better.