
Whoever told you that you were supposed to dislike Weezer got the wrong memo.

Actually it was just a typo, and I just fixed it.. I don't go around saying, "I could care less", so it's not actually a malapropism, just a brief moment of careless stupidity. Boy people take these discussion boards seriously!

Now you can watch Naked and Afraid instead of TWD…

I will never understand American media's raging boner for the royal family, in particular NBC. They seem to think that Americans actually care about the British royal famliy. The majority of us couldn't care less.

It's called propane… smh

If the reviewer read the graphic novels, maybe he wouldn't find these scenes so ludicrous and laughable. Lizzie and Mika are an obvious parallel to Ben and Billy in the graphic novel. I think having Carol kill Lizzie was a nice touch while continuing the parallel to the graphic novel (In the comic, Carl kills Ben).

If they cast John Cleese to play Prodigal Sorcerer, the geek orgasm might be too much for the Earth to contain.

He stole that statement from Justin Bieber

Hairy Twatter and the Sex Chamber of Secrets.

I imagine Pat Robertson would make the exact same quotes.

Hey American Family Insurance, Eff you and your auto play add that is un-mutable until it's over.