Zhiyuan Wu

Well I found the episode funny and all the WTF actions at least made for good comedy. I don't like Riley's character and his role in the show at all. He's a weak retcon plot device to force conflict. I don't care what the Ice Nation did to him and only because we're told that he's important to the Arkadians doesn't

I think I see Archie's purpose on the show after 5 episodes. I don't know why even though he's the most boring and bland character on the show every teenage girl he interacts with gets so much more depths added to her character and becomes much more lovable. Like his super blandness spawns new character development

I lost it when he was too dumb to see Clarke's name on the list having a different handwriting and accused her of writing herself in. Like the handwriting doesn't even look similar.

Skaikru women all got birth control implants once they hit puberty. Births were planned by removing the implants and then re-implanted after the baby was born. So I don't think it's a problem since they know how to remove them.

Ok the show is getting really absurd both in dialogue (It's not your blood, it's your heart) and plot development (seriously can you survive anything as long as it's not a stray bullet?). Guess what another war of Ice Nation vs. Skaikru, moral dilemmas, Jaha suddenly in the focus and people being unreasonably angry at

So after 4 episodes Riverdale comes off as a stiff and tryhard mash up of every possible teen drama mixed together. They are even using meta jokes to insist on their self awareness to show how knowledgable they are about those teen drama tropes yet insist on using them in a cliché manner anyway.

She only had her asshole moments when it came to Finn. After 3 seasons and what is called character development no way she would not agree with at least giving 1 dose away to test it out. She's no cinnamon roll but not a straight bitch either.

I'm really disappointed that the show seems to go into a direction where they just recycle themes and dialogues from previous seasons without adding something new to the table. Leadership, humanity and guilt/responsibility were already explored and by now the characters should have reached a conclusion out of their

Hey at least there was some character development for Ana. Ana went from not wanting to be only a sex slave with contract to a sex slave without contract. And he let her touch his chest. Not that she wouldn't have touched it before when they were crazily making out.

I really wished Jess would have added IT'S RAW after she said I'm mad.

I wouldn't put Katherine Heigl forward as the lead for a show. She looks beautiful but her acting is rather shallow and is only balanced/overlooked when she is working with an ensemble cast to tone down the overall annoying expressions and line delivery she does all the time. She is no Julianna Margulies or Kerry

Not that I disagree with Santana's statement about Beyoncé's 'model singing' and Adele's 'singing singing' but he didn't win a Grammy for 'Supernatural' with 'singing singing' either. Rather it was 'guitar singing' and tons of feature singers. Is this an unaware self diss?

Between '25' and 'Lemonade' it should have been the later. Not to prove some race problem being tackled but simply because it was the superior album. '25' is a soulful album with great emotional tracks carried by Adele's voice but 'Lemonade' was an art project in lyrics, visuals and sound.

The episode was so boring and slow. They were forcing a conflict with the Ice nation because they didn't know how to write in suspense fluidly. Dragging the saving all people or some question all over again to get Bellamy some character development was just really lazy. And it wasn't even well made. Oh look there are

Ok sorry but the whirlpool sequence was just so dumb and unbelievable. No matter how stupid football players are supposed to be and Veronica/Betty looking freaking hot but that scene just felt so forced and unnatural. I couldn't stop laughing during that sequence because it felt so absurd.

Wow episode 2 managed to hang an U-turn for me. The pilot felt too dark and out of sync from how the Archie comics are even changing certain characteristics of the Archie characters. They managed to show Archie much more sympathetic in this episode. Being in an emotional abusive relationship and his feelings of

It was a solid premiere even if there were some inconsistencies and logic holes in order to move past the last season's plot marks and getting into the new story arcs for this. Going for exposition and set ups instead of action and shock moments was the right choice.

It's misogyny stupid.

I can't believe there was ever a time where Ashton Kutcher's star power was higher than freaking Natalie Portman to pay him 3x money.

Okay a Dumbo live action movie sounds like a bad idea and if Will Smith wants to regain some star glitter again better stay off this.