Zhiyuan Wu

I've already come to terms with Bellamy’s ‚redemption‘ being Bob Morley’s sad face and other characters telling him ‚it’s ok‘ and ‚forgive yourself‘ without holding him accountable at all. Clarke’s ‚with your head too‘ was the closest form of calling out he ever had without touching the massacre directly.

The beginning of season 4 started slow and boring with the middle being repetitive. But I have to say that they got me excited since the bunker conclave and its changes it brought into the status quo of the world the characters inhabit. The finale was an epic hour of tv which got me glued on my seat. They surprised me

This was one of the best episodes of the series with season 2 quality level. Everyone made sense and I liked that the writers have stopped excusing Skaikru's actions showing their arrogance and superiority complex while it was still understandable why they were acting like this. The show has often played the 'no good

Finally Jasper is gone. His character went from sexist douchebag in season 1 to pseudo nihilistic asshole with no compelling points towards the character ever. I do feel sorry for Monty but his friendship with Jasper has lost the spark a long time ago and his romance with Harper came out of nowhere for me to care. I

While I don't agree with Clarke's decision I get where she is coming from. Skaikru found the bunker and even offered to share among the clans but their stuck off traditions wanted a winner takes it all fight to the death with only one clan surviving. And when Luna would have won they would have accepted the decision

I loved Veronica's 'What have I done' face after she makes out with Archie again because she knows the boy is a mess but damn those abs and ginger hair.

There's no way Octavia will win this. Luna, Roan and Indra best her miles away in combat.

While the bubbling conflict between Jughead and Betty makes sense the writing/dialogue for it was just totally off. Jughead saying 'Im different and not normal' all the time felt off and not something a real brooding loner would say at all. He was way too aware (I don't take off my hat) and sounded like one of those

Damn it Val is gorgeous. The only thing I'm annoyed with from their break up is that it means less screen time to show her beautiful face on screen.

Looks and sound like GOTG 2.0. But Cate Blanchett is awesome. And Chris Hemsworth still hasn't learned to act. Let's hope the movie is mostly him getting beat up by everyone and less speaking lines.

Abby is the worst. I wonder how far the writers will push their main characters into unlikeable asshole territory this season. I mean Murphy wasn't the biggest dick in that house and that says something.

They do Lucious and Cookie scenes so well that it can turn eye rolling boredom into WTF excitement in an instant. I agree that Cookie is the DNA of Empire both the show and company name. Taraji P. Henson and Terrence Howard were on fire during that smashing bat sequence. Cookie and Lucious purely work on acting

You have to say that you can't top season 2 in terms of morality and survival instincts anymore which is why I expected the show to move forward with the theme of humanity and how you can learn from your past mistakes in this season but instead we have this 'shit goes wrong/shit decision of the week procedural

Man Emori is some cold blooded girl right there and Murphy's proud boyfriend smirk was just so funny to watch. But it's such a fitting way to show their bond as outcasts from their respective society and the lengths they would go to ensure their survival.

This episode decided to put the world ending doomsday stuff on the back burner and focused on the characters which I prefer more than the usual 'moral dilemmas' and shit decisions of the week.

So finally a guy managed to steal the spotlight from the girls in Riverdale. Cole Sprouse did nail it this time. While I'm still iffy about his narrations and general way of saying lines he was fantastic in this episode showing Jughead's closed off vulnerability hidden behind sarcasm and jokes. Betty and Jughead are

I've seen him in True Blood/HIMYM and compared to Manu Bennett he was quite mediocre and bland. Not sure if he can pull the complexity of Deathstroke off right.


Archie is like the Serena van der Woodsen of Riverdale. That pretty but useless/dumb character who constantly needs saving from their first world problems and plummets so much in self-absorption that they don't even realize how truly egoistic and assholely their actions are. And since they're dumb self reflection is

The Arkadians not watching Ilian was not the dumb thing but the part where he's a grounder who was at Arkadia for the first time yet somehow magically knows where the server room is and where to find it alone in Arkadia in order to destroy it.