Zhiyuan Wu

Good for her. An actress of her caliber can't be stuck on Cookie only.

The same as Jai Courtney's?

Finishing the finale I felt like the first season dragged in pacing (robot rebellion could have been reached must faster), lacked strong characterization (hosts resetted everytime and having no real consciousness) and emotional tie ins of the mysteries and twists along the way (MiB=William didn't feel fitting together

The pieces keep coming together and I absolutely loved it. Even though I'm not surprised anymore since the internet covered pretty much everything I'm still marveled at the execution and playing out of the twists and theories.

What a waste of Marion Cotillard. She managed to bring in the sensuality and mystery required for her character but has nothing to do in the second half of the film than sitting around and maybe doing the ‚Heil Hitler‘ greeting depending on whether Brad Pitt figures out if she’s a german spy or not.

Lol at the minotaur. Of course there needs to be bosses to defeat in a video game. They should have also undressed him at the end to see who he is. I would be curious who that level up player is. If you normally kill the easy guys like flies and then gets this badass opponent you would like to check him out after

Everyone who watched with attention saw the Bernard twist coming from far away. Take this away and this episode consists of William’s boring ‚I don’t know if I can bang Dolores even though she’s technically a robot and it’s not cheating‘ dilemma only to fuck her anyways which I don’t feel compelled to see. Maeve’s

R.I.P world.

And I do that but that still doesn’t change the fact that Facebook’s secret deleting mechanism is utter shit that is unlawful. It can’t be that people can spread illegal shit like antisemitic hate paroles, incitements to murders, masses and people under the pretense of freedom of speech. Facebook not deleting those

Facebook’s dumbness in not deleting racist and generally awful things even after several reports from users is the worst. Reported users who wrote homophobic, racist and misogynistic things in the most obvious ways are still spreading their shit. Until today nothing happened even after proof screenshots and Facebook

Who would have thought that a CEO of a company named GrubHub is anti-Trump?

I will watch everything with Margot Robbie in it but please don’t let Jared Leto be in it.

I'm curious in how they will approach the Batman character after he was a killing psychopath in BvS and got reformed to be a Martha pacifist.

Elsie breaks every horror movie rule in a span of seconds. Stupidity on tv must end in death. But tv also says that no body no certain death. 50/50 odds on Elsie's survival.

No surprises for me watching the movie. I expected good acting, great visuals and good to follow plot which I got. The movie was satisfying but given the fact that the introduction of Doctor Strange is expanding the MCU to a new cosmic realm the movie didn't feel like a game changer but just contenting 'good for now'.

Honestly Wonder Woman despite being one of the 'Big 3' in DC has never been a compelling character with great comic book stories for me. They never really managed to humanize her and dig some depth into her. I remember the only time I really liked her was in the JL cartoon in 2001. But when I liked her I liked her

The sexy nurse outfit and stunning evening gown agrees with you.

Enjoying Jai Courtney over Margot Robbie? What shitpiss did you drink?

I dislike him even unconscious and in mute accent.

Whose dick or pussy is Jai Courtney sucking? He might even block my enjoyment for Amy Poehler.