Zhiyuan Wu

The movie was not my thing but the trailer looked incredible. Right now shows about technology are the one who capture me the most. Mr.Robot's first season was also simply phenomenal.

So who else will also be heading to HBO's Westworld next to fill the void of a Jonathan Nolan AI show?

Did HBO really thought after 7 seasons of Mad Men people would want to watch the same shit only with more cocaine and tits all over again?

As a straight male I just want to say that his post is absolutely inspiring and right. My feelings and love goes to the LGBT community right now in their darkest time. May this lead to a better reaction and discussion about equality and sameness of love. We still live in a world with so much intolerance and disdain

Shit I was certain Cersei would die next week. Unless HBO is willing to throw out that much money simply to confuse and outsmart the audience.

I'm all teared up and emotional. This finale had everything I wanted it to have and more. The team silently saved the world and the payoff lays not in the fact that they will be known and rewarded as heroes but that they will be remembered by the people they love and knowledge that they did good no matter how small

Sansa was the MVP this episode. Smart, calculating and cruel in the end after everything that happened to her. She has learned well and abandoned her Starkness for pragmatism and power plays. The way she used Rickon to get Jon on the fight despite already have given him up, withholding information from Jon, using him

A great penultimate episode. I loved the Finch/Machine and Greer/Samaritan juxtaposition tonight. Great work by Michael Emerson and John Nolan. Of course Greer could have escaped but his ego prevented him from doing so. By dying with Finch together he would end up doing the biggest sacrifice for their gods by ensuring

Well with Tay-Tay's 'Bad Blood' crazy chicks squad Loki would have conquered earth much more successful than with the Chitauri army he send up on New York.

Spectacular episode. The deaths were handled well. All the characters went full circle. Elias died in front of the building where team machine first saved him in season 1 repaying his debt. Root went out with a blast protecting a person she cares for and becoming one with the machine she loves so much. The writing and

It’s a critics’ darling as well so being the prestige project saves it constantly.


I would care but the Americans just got renewed so screw it.

I went with low expectations for the film. Not because the franchise has a stream of bad movies. But if you’re not a die hard comic fan the messed up chronology could really set up flaws in the narrative and I didn’t think they could top or be even with ‚Days of future past‘.

Clarke/Lexa never had any romantic narrative direction from the script until 2x14. It was merely the natural chemistry of Eliza Taylor and Alycia Debnam Carey that made it something more. And Jason Rothenberg decided to go with it and wrote the kiss in 2x14 for publicity. Ending Lexa’s story with the betrayal would

The most worrisome part is that 3B was only supposed to be ‚subtle’ romantic undertones. So imagine the cringe and eye roll level of their interactions in season 4. Bellamy’s heart eyes suddenly have shiny glitter in them and Clarke will dumb down to Bella level. ‚Radioactive‘ plays the background and it will rain.

'Goddam right, IT'S LEXA!' sounds like a squeaky fangirl chant. I wondered if a 14 years wrote the script. Now that I've seen it for Lexa's entrance it definitely sounds like it.

It didn’t sound awkward because Eliza Taylor’s voice acting sounded convincing. Her desperate and sad tone did make it clear that the ILY had a pleading subtext of lost and regret there. So it still works for me on a superficial level. But writing wise it sounds like it’s written by a romance stricken fangirl.

The whole Clarke/Lexa ILY sequence just felt weirdly written. I suspect it’s because they edited Lexa’s ‚final‘ death in hopes to appease that shipper fanbase. I don’t think that line fit in the context at all and felt rather like ship bait. ILY is not what Clarke would have responded to ‚I’ll hold them up.‘ That

The finale felt toned down and heavily changed from its original view point. It was anti climatic and some parts of the scenes in the finale felt uneven and out of sync. I’m pretty sure Jasper was supposed to commit suicide but it was cut last minute because of feared backlash. Also the last scene with Octavia is so