
Paige was making some really weird faces though, when she was holding the baby…I didn't know what was going through her mind. Mad that she still had to hang with the Pastor Tim's? Baby was squirmy and about to poop?

And, Gabriel called Martha's parents to assure them that she was okay and in a place where people valued her….that might have just been Gabriel assuaging Philip, but again, it was an unnecessary risk, calling her parents, just to make Philip feel OK about Martha going to the CCCP.

Excellent acting by Lev Gorn, all alone in his office. His little mannerisms spoke so loudly….his looking at the whiskey in his hand, then up at Lenin…I'm sure he's thinking, "Oh, shit, back to the 'rodina' (motherland)…no more good whiskey". The only thing that I didn't think rang true was he and Oleg shaking

I'm getting the feeling that Stan is a very bad actor, and that he may know about Elizabeth & Phillip and is covering…with bad gregarious, "Howdy neighbor!" acting. After all, he was undercover with the KKK for 3 years - he had to learn to swallow his feelings and act like everything is cool. Stan's really weird

Question: do we know, chronologically what month/date the show is at in 1983? I've noticed that it still seems to be winter or very early spring. Last week, in the episode, there was still snow on the ground. This week, everyone is still wearing heavy coats.

The couch scene was good - she had a pillow in front of her, that she was leaning on/hugging, like anyone would do, relaxing on a couch. Other episodes, I've been distracted by how long she'd keep her coat on in the house, after coming inside.

What is a Roy Rogers, i.e., what type of food? I'm from Chicago….I keep picturing a "Bob Evans" kind of place…

Danny Flaherty (Matthew) is a musician IRL. His IMDB bio says: "Danny is also a singer/songwriter with an original song credit on the sound track from the feature film "Contest' in which he starred."

Gabriel is in a difficult position. Thinking of the KGB as a corporation, he's like an assistant VP who is reporting to the higher ups who give him big picture information that he doles out to his direct reports on a need to know basis. Then, he has people below him who do jobs that are more logistical and less

Great points - the only time I recall the Jennings' interacting directly with the Rezidentura was when Phillip met up with Arkady at the newsstand and told Phillip told him to back off on Paige or he and Elizabeth would quit. Have there been others?

There were several episodes dealing with customized diseases able to target specific gene markers in the tv show "Alias" several years ago…they talked about how you could put it in a water supply to strategically kill only certain people.

"The Stand". Ooooh….scariest book ever. After I read it, every time someone sneezed I was like, "No!!! Run away!!!"

It's very similar to the Jennings' kitchen wallpaper, and to the kitchen wallpaper "chez" Beeman.

He has a new haircut too - it's no longer all hanging in his face - he has a side part…more mature than the old salad bowl haircut.

And Gabriel gave it to them…it's not like they decided on their own to go out and get one.

I was thinking that since Gabriel gave them the computer, and Henry & Matthew are futzing around with it, if there is some kind of listening device or video transmitter (so that Centre can spy on the Jennings) maybe Henry & Matthew will find it? Or, going along with what William/Oleg believe about the Soviets not

I thought that it was interesting that in Stan's scene with Oleg, Stan comes to the meet in civilian clothes: black t-shirt, leather jacket, hair disheveled. Oleg is in a trench coat and a coat and tie. Oleg is "on the clock" and Stan looks like he's meeting a friend - like he's not even trying to be professional

Lots of good nuanced acting this week. Even in the looks Pastor Tim and Alice gave each other just before Alice went into the kitchen…it was like, Alice: "Should I go talk to Elizabeth now?" Tim: "Yes, she's alone - go apologize".

Yes, but kids can be very black and white - they don't see nuance very well. Especially when the illusion of your parents is being eroded away, little by little.

I remember the first time I tried Grape Nuts. I didn't know what they were. Unfortunately, I had just had my braces tightened the day before and when I crunched into them - arggh - the pain! It was like chewing on gravel. My teeth ached for the rest of the day.