
Aha - very perceptive, thank you! I will watch it again.

And, do we know when in 2017 Season 5 will air?

OK, found it! Thanks!

Hmmm….don't show it yet. :-(

Dylan Baker, in an interview with the NYT says "Is William dead? You don't see him die" and goes on to say that there will be many surprises next season. http://www.nytimes.com/2016…®ion=Footer&module=MoreInSection&version=WhatsNext&contentID=WhatsNext&pgtype=article

When does the Slate TV Club Insider Podcast come out for S4 E13?

I was in Kansas City 3 weeks ago and EJO was in the same restaurant that we were having dinner! We didn't notice him, but our waiter pointed him out. Funny coincidence.

I have a friend who is a meeting & event planner. She planned a sales meeting in AZ and a very famous retired US general was the guest speaker. She had to fly him and his wife first class from their home to AZ, (no problem there - that is the norm for famous speakers) then helicopter him from the PHX airport to the

It looked to me like the money was different currencies…so he had cash and a passport to use in no matter what country he chose to exit through.

I feel bad for Henry now. Matthew was his friend…now Matthew will want to be with Paige and maybe be like, "Get lost" to Henry.

That must be it - the FBI guys kept referring to where William was as a "park". I was thinking the stone monolith things were like tombstones or something. I can see now that they are the base of the bridge. This photo shows the short arch on the left, and that's what William was leaning against.https://www.google.c

Yes, that huge adjustment was alluded to earlier in the episode when Elizabeth told Philip that she had spoken to Paige about Smolensk and when she asked Philip if he thought Smolensk would still be the same….good prelude into the next scene, that showed 1984 January in Russia with multiple families living in a

Fun fact: Peter Jacobson is the son of long time Channel 2, WBBM Chicago news anchor, Walter Jacobson.

I watch on my regular TV, and then watch it on my IPad the next day with the CC on, because I usually DO miss something, LOL. (I have 2 hours on the train each day, commuting to and from work).

In the park, what are those large stone monoliths that William was leaning up against before he came out to show himself to the FBI and broke the vial in his hand?

It felt like the whole episode was about parent & child relationships: Elizabeth cuddling and renewing her relationship with Paige ("I can teach you a few things"), Pastor Tim, Alice & new baby; Oleg & his mom, Gabriel as a father figure to Elizabeth & Philip; Stan being gleeful about Matthew's relationship with

"Joel, get off the babysitter."

My husband and I said that at the same time after Agent A offered William the Coke, "Have a Coke and a smile?!?!?!"

Mischa's mother Irina is the rogue KBG agent. Irina was caught in South America trying to desert her mission.

Good catch - I don't remember that conversation - thanks!