
Yes, it is most likely both things. When she and Pastor Tim got into the conversation about prayer, I thought it was going to go the way of a "confession" of sorts…broad outline, but a way for Elizabeth to relieve her conscience. And, I read somewhere that the CIA/KGB think that the best lie is one in which part of

In my house (Chicago suburbs) it was Hamburger Helper, white bread, cold sugary cereals, Country Time lemonade powdered drink mix, fried bologna sandwiches, etc. But, it was the 1970's and 1980's and everyone ate that stuff. And we were upper middle class, too…I was always mad that my mom refused to buy Coke (RC and

pavlovsbell - My mom started buying Roman Meal wheat bread in the late 1970's AND making us put wheat germ on our cereal to be "healthier"…wheat germ on Cocoa Puffs/Capn Crunch/Super Sugar Crisp/Corn Pops to make it healthier - HA! The wheat germ just made this huge pile of sludge in the bottom of our cereal

So interesting that chatting up in the US just means, chit chat, while in the UK the meaning is to "talk to someone in a way that shows that you're sexually interested in them". Thanks for the info, barber. I was never aware of the difference in usage/meaning between the way it's used in the UK vs. the US.

Now we know why Tatiana was looking for a 50's-60's Caucasian woman who speaks good English and who has good computer skills - to search Don's computer files for the codes with Gabriel.

I think they made a secret of Oleg's brother's funeral because the USSR was trying to downplay how bad the war was going, and how many of its soldiers were being killed. It wasn't until 4 years later (1987, once Gorbachev was in office - he was considered a reformist) that the USSR started withdrawing troops. They'd

I agree…I think that their redemption is going to come through their kids. They will risk their patriotism/fanaticism for Paige and Henry - to give them a shot at a good life in the US perhaps without their parents.

"Excuse me? Excuse me, senor? May I speak to you please? I asked for a mai tai, and they brought me a pina colada, and I said no salt, NO salt for the margarita, but it had salt on it, big grains of salt, floating in the glass… [as the waiter walks away] And yes, I won't be leaving a tip, 'cause I could… I could shut

Some actors have a butt double.

He seems way more into her than she is into him.

Wow - I just looked up Vera Cherny aka Tatiana on IMDB and she is beautiful! She is really frumped up on The Americans.

I got my husband to start watching it and now he's hooked. We just finished season 3, so it's been nice to have a "review" while I'm watching Season 4 IRT.

And the foreign cars with a stick shift were also cheaper. I learned how to drive a stick shift on my boyfriend's Alfa Romeo Spider Graduate 2 seater in 1986.

As far as the previews go, Pastor Tim isn't killed…just missing according to Alice, right?

I think Paige is a typical oldest kid - responsible, looks out for the younger one, and is kind of a control freak about a lot of things….and in Paige's case, she has a lot to be trying to control.

And ABC is Channel 7 in Chicago, too.

ABC in Chicago is Channel 7, too. I noticed that as well.

And in the 2010's, at least on "Scandal" - drinking red wine and eating popcorn, getting over your affair with POTUS.

There had been a civil war going on in Ethiopia since 1974 and a famine from 1983-1985…the Marxists overthrew Emperor Haile Selasse. Pastor Tim is a relief worker, so the Marxists might not like Christian Americans coming to their country to show them up.