
Great "Back to the Future" reference!

My twin sister and I learned how to drive at summer school driver's ed (our Catholic HS only had 2 driver's ed cars). Our teacher was the HS football coach. We'd drive around the Chicago suburbs looking at real estate he wanted to buy. When it was time to get our licenses, my dad drove me in his car, and my mom

I loved seeing them practice in a parking lot. My older sister used to take me out to practice driving and we always went to the parking lot at our grade school.

How about Patty's pink kitchen in her apartment? Yikes - what a throwback! My family had a pink kitchen from 1964-1981. Pink sink, refrigerator, oven, and stove. Kids would come over and marvel, "You have a PINK refrigerator!" When I asked my mom what she could have been thinking when she and dad built the house

And, her having Clark's baby could be validation to her that he really loved her, and that they really were a family.

She didn't take photos because she doesn't want them to know yet that she's a spy…maybe she'll just tell Don that she won't tell Young Hee, if he gets William clearance…if she threatened him with photos, he'd know she was a professional, and might be more apt to let his employer know what's going on. Elizabeth can

I was in college when the show aired. I was studying French and Russian with the hopes of going into the foreign service. I remember distinctly walking outside (it was a cold, clear night in the Midwest) and thinking, "Let's not blow this, folks". I don't know where you were located, but being in the Midwest, about

Gabriel told Elizabeth to maintain the relationship with Young Hee during their "break". Their friendship must have progressed a lot if Young Hee and her husband felt comfortable enough going away for a weekend and leaving Elizabeth alone in their house with their kids. Before the break, they were just Mary Kay and

The war in Afghanistan was totally known about….the US boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow to protest the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and, probably, just to show up the USSR. And the USSR paid the US back by boycotting the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.

I loved it when William says, incredulously (and somewhat sarcastically) "We get breaks?!?!" Totally hilarious delivery by Dylan Baker.

Like in the movie, "War Games", a guy is moving forward to launch the missiles, and then the blonde guy (the actor John Spencer, who later played Leo McGarry in The West Wing!") starts questioning what is happening and won't turn the key and another guy takes out a gun, points it at him and says something like "Turn

When she says to Paige to get back in the kitchen and then says "We've been trying to be nice to you" I went "WHOA!" she's not even trying to pretend anymore that she would treat Paige like a daughter - she's full blown treating her like an asset. And then when she says, "You are going to find some other shit to

I think that showing how Phillip got rid of a contact (loving, caring, thoughtfully transitioning her to her next life) vs. how Elizabeth got rid of a contact (briefly trying to reason with her, hitting her in the head with a liquor bottle and then killing her) was a deliberate juxtaposition and sets up how they

Yes, when Gaad and Stan were at the elevator talking before Gaad went up to the Director, presumably to be fired.

Well, it's also a reminder that if Elizabeth and Phillip go back to Russia in a few years (like when the USSR falls), Phillip has something to go back to - his son. If Paige and Henry are old enough and decide they don't want to go to Russia, Elizabeth could be all alone since her mother and father are dead and who

As Clark said, Martha will be respected and honored in the Soviet Union. In reading other media about spies returning there, they lived in nice homes, they were taken on vacation to the Crimea (a warm weather area on the Black Sea) and given jobs like as English teachers. Who knows, she might be treated better there,

They were at Gaad's place. Stand came to visit and Gaad was the one who went into the liquor cabinet, served the beers, talked about his wife and his trip to Thailand, used the remote to lower the sound on the sports program when he was talking to Stan about Oleg.

SPOILER ALERT: In the podcast, Alison Wright says that one of the things going through Martha's head is, "I could kill myself once I get there".

Kind of in a 3rd language - American English not RP (Received Pronunciation) English as they speak in the UK.

Maybe they will show Martha in the Soviet Union, the way they showed Nina. It could be a compare/contrast thing, the way they've done before. Phillip told Martha that she would be treated with respect and honor…unlike the way Nina was treated when she returned.