
I cant speak for the rest but I doubt he would cast Lena Dunham as Clarice..he could swing either way..but in the last few interviews, he was thinking about making Clarice black.

It can get like that sometimes but it does speed up. Personally I think season 2 is fantastic. The third episode was the jury episode which I thought had some really amazing cinematography, even for Hannibal standards. Episode 5 takes a serious left turn I was not expecting and episode 7 in itself feels like a season

Wait until you get to episode eight. There is the drunken master fight which is really heartbreaking to watch, because the actor whom plays the drunken master auditioned to play Danny and he would have been way better (its not just because he is half Asian, he just has way more charisma in one scene than Finn Jones

good luck trying to get through the rest!. I somehow managed to watch 10 episodes before jumping ship..but it was tough!…really really tough!. Maybe it will find a audience and become a cult classic in cheese. Because honestly, I haven't seen so much cheesy storytelling in a long long time!. One of my favourites is

That would just be Alfonso Cuaron slowed down times 20. In black and white, with a lot of close ups so we have no clue what it is.

Gourmet Pizza with feta.

Not dark enough, DC got rid of him before he could film Batman being raped in prison.

I think Joss was quite restricted when it came to the Marvel films, he had to go for the tone that Jeph Leob and the others had set out for him. I think the same thing will happen here with the DC films, more or less. Though he is doing a Bat Girl film so I do have hope that he will be able to inject it with a dose of

You mean like a Soprano's ending?…The Night King about to fight Jon Snow, the fight we have all been waiting for. They draw their swords and just as they're about to connect..fade to black. Everyone would be so pissed!…That would be hilarious. Though doubtful.

Was that the Gift?. Did she play a literal or a metaphorical corpse?. I only remember that being the one where she took her shirt off and her tits had better acting skills.

The one that no one uses: Crackle.

As long as it ends with her being speared in the head or decapitated..or turned into a autopsy statue..otherwise it isn't properly the mid 2000's Paris Hilton.

"Its not who you are underneath, but its what you do that defines you".

So did I!. I kept replaying the video thinking "wait, when does he die?" I thought that last sigh was his last breath before he collapsed on set!. Then reread "dies inside" and was morbidly disappointed. What does that say about me?..or both of us?.

The other problem with Caprica is it took them too long to figure out what worked and what didn't. I agree, it was a very muddled show. One that already had some very strong characters. I immediately loved the greystone's and the Adama family but I didn't care much for Lacy (at least not in the first half anyway). The

Can anyone tell me if the Sand Snakes are more interesting in the books? In the show I found them so boring that I wanted them to either die or just crawl into a cave and never come back.

Agreed. Every scene he is in, he drags it down, he was useful in that, he wiped out two sand snakes in the last episode (the snakes are my most hated characters in the history of the show, horrid acting and dialogue).

Surprised me too, didn't know the AV Club was run by a bunch of comedians whom get pissed off when a "joke" is revealed to be more than a joke.

which arc was that?. You mean the save Iris arc?. Yeah that felt like season 3 and 4 of Arrow fused together.

I wouldn't mind if they threw away Curtis and replaced him with Julian. Even if he has gadget balls he is still useless and Mr Terrible.