
I don't think he got far enough to watch the ice caps melt.

Lets hope they don't go the season 4 Arrow version of "lighter and softer": cuts off the sleeves, renames himself to the Green Arrow, is lighter for most of the episode, than reveals in a flash forward that someone is going to die.

Rose colored glasses much?. Season 1 sucked. There was only 2 to 3 episodes at most that worked. Season 2 by contrast only had a couple truly bad duds. The rest (other than the guardian subplot) were pretty good. The villains were more interesting, the CGI was better and the villains also looked better, in s1 they


I'm conflicted by this news. He was fantastic last season, brought a new energy to the team, and helped the audience forget every now and then that they weren't watching the dumbest season of the Flash. Hopefully we don't need distractions and that season 4 will be a great season.

I really hope this season is better!…as you said, not a lot worked last season, hell it made Arrow season 4 look like a masterpiece in comparison.

Ahh McCain, You've done it again.

Its interesting because I felt the whole Saint of Killers story too ages to get going, then they kept showing you it over and over until you realized he was in hell. That really bothered me a lot. But I loved a lot of the dumb humor in it (like the church sign, the praire dog and the meat guy). I was actually kinda

Didn't he have a beard in Man of Steel while he was saving people in the first half of the movie?. It would make sense actually…I mean..he would be in that coffin for a long time..long enough to have a mo..so why not!.

I liked last season a lot. But i can understand why you may have not liked it as much. Last season didn't work that well on a episode to episode basis. I waited for the entire season to come out then binged it. It worked better as one long film than as a episode of television.

Yikes!..I was thinking of checking that show out..that isn't good. I have 0 faith in his ability to pull off a coherent narrative. Iron Fist was his second showrunner credit (the first being the last 3 seasons of Dexter) of which, only one of those seasons was good (7). Then with Iron Fist being so clunky it makes

Congratulations for making it through. I jumped ship after episode 10…it got too unbearable.

Agreed. Watching the defenders trailer, it showed Danny being more expressive and interesting than he was in the entire season of Iron Fist. Straight away I got the feeling "here is a show written by people who know how to write". Scott Buck needs to go.

It gets even worse. The weirdest thing is its like this is what the writers wanted!..by around the final third everyone starts calling Danny "the worst Iron Fist" they have ever seen!.

I would watch that. I was really upset with that twist when it came out, but that "hail to the king" short film was amazing and made me really like Trevor Slattery.

As someone who has seen quite a few marvel films and have enjoyed Stan Lee's cameo's. I did find it kind of funny, but only in a "oh that's cute" forget about it in five minutes sort of way. But releasing it at a time when I'm waiting for the new Punisher trailer is aggravating, because morons on you tube then use

Then what?..move to Zihautanejo and go fishing with Tim Robbins?.

They say this one has a surprise ending!.

Well that is a headline: "don't play football. It may cause you to get brain damage and possibly murder your wife and the fella she was banging".

Especially in the cinema's. It was quite the experience. But I was emotionally invested in her character. There was a emotional story line there. There is much worse, Bullock has made worse.