
Now I'm picturing Bryan Cranston as Ben…that wouldn't work..he would probably turn in to the green goblin!.

Sounds like a prequel to american pie.

Agreed. It was season 5 that was the terrible season. A lot of filler, too much set up. Too much Stannis. I still have no idea what they were trying to do with him. It felt like it all went nowhere. Its only saving grace was Hardhome.

If your talking about that anti gay pastor whom has the same name, this isn't him.

Fantastic business strategy they have going there don't they. They shout out "we want more risky shows" while they cancel all their risky shows!.

More like film. Castlevania: Origins.

Yes. Apparently. This was only brought up once, in the season 1 (of Legends of Tomorrow) episode "Progeny". The 10th episode of the first season. When they go to the year 2147 to stop Vandel Savage. They find out that all the robotic soldiers are wearing a version of Ray's ATOM exo suit. Then they see statue's of a

? as in Seriously am I still waiting for that. Or..Seriously does Ray have a twin brother? (yeah, it was talked about in a episode of legends..season..1 I think).

Slade's son!!?..fat chance that will happen..I'm waiting for them to introduce Ray's twin brother Sydney that they just randomly name dropped in a episode than forgot about it.

That's random!..everyone want a housekeeper back so badly?. That would be a absolutely hilarious plot, if you have a housekeeper appear..disappear..come back five years later and she is revealed to be a spy!.

Ohh!!..Dam!..I missed the reference!..had to look that one up.

Oh my bad, well…at least I made someone laugh..hopefully!.

I would agree with you for season 2 and 3. Season 1 I thought had a very good plot and great character development. The problem is they got lazy..nothing beat that drum more than the first episode of S3: Flashpoint. What was supposed to be this amazing storyline became..a remake of "welcome to earth 2". It would have

Its been done, just watch the O.C!.

you didn't like season 5?. Well I always preferred season 1 Slade anyway, I love the idea of a Slade that is back to being a moral center for Oliver.

I have seen worse..watch BSG and then read all the comments about the cylon daniel theory being starbucks father..or maybe you have (personally I thought it was a awesome theory). The writers of that show looked at it and said "that is a awesome idea!..but not the one we intended, we will continue with our dumb as

who is Raisa again?.

This guy must be reading "the complete idiots guide to history as recorded by Napoleon Bonaparte". Now all you need to do is write a book "the complete idiots guide of idiocy: as recorded by a idiot".

Okay so I found out its queen tower. He lives and works in the loft (it as I said, looks like a hotel sweet). He has his offices in the loft itself, and his personal apartment in an upper level accessed by a staircase and elevator. He has a hidden chamber (resembling a half shaped clock door, where anyone that

True..especially with Arrow, Roy was the biggest one that stood out as Collin Haynes looks like a Calvin Kline model.