
I think they think that they are being clever by subverting expectations..Cottonmouth is another kingpin..bam..he is clocked by his sister..bet you didn't see that coming!. That is the problem right there, if the writers are so interested in surprising the audience, they forget to tell a good story. This pattern was

I agree, when I saw the direction they were going with Alexandra, at first I was surprised. Then it sunk in "wait a minute..I have seen this before..one villain kills another..cottonmouth!". It basically was cottonmouth all over again just for cheap thrills. Then there is the problem with Electra herself, I had no

A tough one!..hmmm.

Jack Murphy: Umbrella in the Swamp.

Then they decided to turn them in to a bunch of disney villains. The scenes when they are standing around the table mwhahahaing and all felt like I was watching a live action version of Kingdom hearts.

Agreed, the Daredevil "death" saved the episode and maybe the season for me. It felt earned, this is how you do the death right. It almost made me want to start all over again..too bad there isn't a fan edit that cuts out all the filler from the shows.

I'm so pumped for next season!. Archie was a bland character but maybe him going dark is what is needed. Yes the clip is right on, when it comes to the visuals: The blossom house alone looks like Bryan Fuller ran through it with his art team.

True. The Ice cream scene was funny though.I'll give them that. I couldn't stop laughing. "It's not vanilla..come here you ungrateful little shit!".

I really liked David Wenham in Iron Fist..but!!..what the hell were they trying to do with that guy's character?!..can anyone explain the fountain scene or the ice cream scene in any way other than..the guy is crazy?.

I would have had a problem with too if it wasn't for the fact that they call attention to that quite often (with Jessica even remarking "am I the only one whom doesn't know kung fu!?"). There is also the fact that she is agile and with her strength she usually takes them out after a few seconds anyway.

OMG! I cant believe I forgot about that! (and that episode exploring their friendship is one of my favourite episodes of DD!). The nostalgia!, almost makes me want to watch DD all over again!.

Its going to be a long wait for DD season 3!…the scenes I'm most looking forward to is that eventual reforming of Nelson and Murdock!. I so want to see them being the budding lawyers, crime duo.

Just finished the season…really have mixed feelings about it. It wasn't boring like Iron Fist, but it was really stupid in places. The whole thing with the hand really fell apart quick and the momentum died by the second to last episode..there was a lot of filler that could have been trimmed. Overall there were some

That doesn't entirely give a middle finger to the speculation..there could be a middle ground that the speculation got wrong. She may have said "I'm not doing nude scenes..unless the story requires it". That scene and the scene at the end of season 1, were nude scenes with meaning…but she had done a lot of nude scenes

do you feel like you know TheRadBrad?..I've really tried, but every time I hear that dude speak..it just sounds like he is thanking his subscribers all the time for making him money.

Stephen Kings IT. I'm so pumped for the films!. But I can't do justice in explaining them. I tried to explain it to a couple friends about a week ago and why i'm so excited about it, but it just came out sounding like i'm some weirdo getting excited to see a monster dressed as a clown, killing children! (mind you, I

I have tried to play that game so many times. I love the look and the art style. but its just sooo…weird!..i play it for about 20 mins tops..everytime.

Jorah spends a whole season getting grayscale, just to be cured and than gets killed by the walking dead rejects?..yeah that would never happen.

meh..too depressing..how about "the whole world" by OutKast instead.

I remember reading about this part in the story leaks. I also thought it went from 1 to 11 in intensity rather quickly. But I'm really excited to see how that story resolves itself. As for the sex part..they fired that perverted executive whom kept pushing for it..long ago (around season 4 I think).