
EXACTLY!…it was the biggest "what were they thinking!!" story ever!….the worst thing about it is it was also the biggest missed opportunity ever. The entire city going into martial law..that could have been a intriuging season plotline..not a..well to the is gone..felicity has sad emoji for the rest of the season!

You forgot to mentioning the fact that S3 also fridged the shows other best character before she was thawed out, defrosted in a immortal spa pool and sent off to her own show. Also I disagree with what you said about the flashbacks..S4 had too immobile flashbacks i can rememeber: the one when Oliver hallucinated and

Sounds like you stopped and then jumped back on at the right time. The first half of season 4 wasn't too bad..then as soon as the "william" arc hit..the season went down the toilet. The season ended on one of the worst plotlines in the shows history: the havenrock incident, when felicity diverted a bunch of nukes and

It was basically in his hotel sweet. He had a half clock sized door, Clark opened it and it was somewhat a arrowcave..very small.

whoah!..I just looked it up!..apparently she is in a cult that is run by a pedophile and there were reports of her being one herself!. Having orgies with underage girls. Crazy!.

I was so impressed with how well organized season 5 was..and the villain!!..I thought no villain could top Slade but Prometheus did it with a truly incredible performance from the actor whom portrays him (he really made slade look one note in comparison, I may be a little biased though, I always preferred good slade

Lets face it..Justin Hartley's version was basically a Ken doll. Look at his Arrow Cave??!..It looked a fan fiction male dollhouse..just blown up in to human size.

Chases twin?..that is the only conclusion I keep coming to, as whenever he speaks, he still sounds like Josh Sagara. Or its just a fake out and its someone truly left field: such as vigilante being Tommy Merlin. That would be the biggest shock, because everyone expected him to be prometheus, to switch that around is

That is true. In the first episode she came across as basically a female version of Arrow. I found that refreshing. I understand that she had to cross the line, but they just kept beating that same drum "I'm mad!!, I'm crazy!..I will kill you..and everyone else..suddenly I am psycho!".

That is true. There is quite a few arrow villains that would be amazing if the writers just stopped writing them one dimensionally. Anarchy is the biggest wasted character I have seen, he has this fun quality to him, but the actor gives him this edge that they haven't yet exploited to make him truly amazing. If they

That's kinda ironic, she couldn't win the heart of Superman and ended up dating "the other Batman" instead!.

who?..the huntress?..never found the actress that attractive TBH.

That would be hilarious!..she dated the Oliver Queen of Smallville right?..what happened there? (I jumped ship after season 5..Lana Lang wore me out).

ick!!…I HATE the huntress!!..maybe even worse than Cupid. I will admit, her first episode that she was in was really good..than the second episode came and they must have knocked the first writer out and the other one turned her into a moustache twirling villain. Maybe if she was written better, but its highly

That…is actually quite a cool idea!!…they really need to shake things up with the alternate reality thing. Bring in the smallville superman or even the lois and clark superman would be cool!: Kara :"he looks just like my father!".

I'm 31 and I also had no idea who Harry Styles was before the trailers popped up and everyone started raving about it!.

So..let me get this straight..Cinemax cancelled the Knick because it was too..cinematic!?…talk about irony.

ah the 90s!, alternative rock and the heroin chick. If he means mono culture in that the 90s is when all the media wanted us to band together and do drugs, than he's right..otherwise..nope, cant see it.

Your sixteen years too late..no Aperaham Lincoln in this one.

Very ironic considering the second film was a ape retelling of the whole Jesus story.