
interesting example!..The Wire ended on is own terms..and..funny that you mentioned Rome!..It also got cancelled in season 2 (a little before production started so that helped), so the creator threw in every storyline from his envisioned season 3,4 and 5 in 2!.

I had a feeling this would happen. The fan backlash was too big. The great thing is that season 2 ended in a way that made it feasible to end in a two hour special.

That I will agree with..they haven't quite figured Shadow out yet. Which is a shame cause I like Ricky Whittle, he was amazing on the 100 until they obliterated his character arc.

I couldn't even sit through Iron Fist!..I tried so hard but jumped ship after episode 10. Everything was just unintentionally funny, to a cringe worthy degree. The plane sequence in episode eight was the worst!! "My brain knows what is happening but right now, my heart is doing the driving!". Though I got to hand it

Yes it seems the dead wife is quite the controversial character, people either love or hate her. For me she is my favourite character and her episode (the 4th one in the season) was my favourite episode of the season, but I can see why many hate her.

For your first question..yes The Man in the High Castle season 2 landed on amazon last year (December 16th 2016 to be exact) and I 100% agree, it was "fucking great"..I had some problems with the pacing especially of the second half of the season, but it all tied together so well (to the point that if the show had

Yeah I really did like the third book there was some great stuff there. Personally for some reason, It was the second book I loved the most, I just love that whole showdown between Harry and Tom Riddle, its one thing I think they nailed in the film.

There was a lot of stuff I loved about POA, but I just can't watch any of the later HP films because of Michael Gambon. He sucks the life out of every frame and takes what was on the page (and in the first two films) my favourite character, in to one I truly despised..which isn't good at all considering the sixth film

At around this point TWD has become quite meta, originally it was the human survivors that were the walking dead, now for TWD and FTWD, it has become the "fans" that are the walking dead- walking in a state of delarium, watching both shows for the hope that they will one day get a good meal (which in this case is good


This show really felt like a alternate version of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt..what if Kimmy wasn't in a cult and was a unlikable brat whom hated society and people and thought people should bow down to her, the answer: not a very good show!..so long Breakable Kimmy Schmidt!.

and what is that exactly?: a deplorable, controlling and manipulative bitch whom has dreams of becoming the next Paris Hilton?.

Seems like he was used as fodder for a story so that the media could make a few bucks off him and others hatred of him.

Dunno.. never been there.

I'm not American (quite the opposite..I live in the end of the alphabet..not the beginning!). I have heard of Guilty before, and yes I would call that there second best song..but, I always find something off about it..the irony about that song is when I hear it, I feel guilty for liking it!..because I still can't make

The Flash season 1..a one hit wonder?..its not a album..but you are indeed correct nonetheless!!.

Could "In the Shadows" by the Rasmus be described as a one hit wonder!?…they have a lot of albums out and are still going..but I haven't heard any of their songs that are as good as "in the shadows".

"The food in Africa is great!..so are the men!"…ah the 80s!, such a romanticized view on reality!.

VERY disappointed in this current season of OTNB. I saw three episodes and it absolutely wasted all that tension and momentum that built in season 4, this season feels less like a season of OTNB and more like, Desperate Housewives:in prison.

Personally, I am not a fan of T3…I liked some parts of it, I did think that ending was really smart..but it all fell apart for me. That is because I feel that Sarah Conner is the true main character of the series and that you can't really have Terminator with the heart and that depth..without Sarah Connor.