
I agree, I absolutely love Matrix Reloaded for the pure spectacle. Basically if you give it a different color pallet, take away the bullet time and the night club costumes and its basically John Wick!. But as you say, there is some great ideas in there. Even in Revolutions, there is a lot of Buddhist enlightenment

well your information is either outdated or just plain wrong. "Going into the season without a season-six guarantee, the co-showrunners said they wrote the ender to function both as a season and series finale, though they added that there have been several ideas about where the show could ultimately end. "Working on

you mean another 5 seasons?. Because otherwise you are saying that it will get cancelled after this season..which I highly doubt it.

There is a fantastic video analysis on youtube of the first film called "Why Pirates of The Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl is Accidentally Genius". It explains just what makes the films so good that none of the sequels managed to do..the main point that he mentions is how Jack should never have been made a main

The killer soundtrack is another reason.

Personally I also consider it one film. Kill Bill is one of those rare films where every scene counts, there are no wasted scenes. Its fascinating because Vol 1 is a pure action flick, Vol 2 is a deconstructed action film..whenever there would be action in other films, there would be talking instead: the ending for

Its basically a remake of the japanese film Lady snowblood mixed in with call backs to hundreds of other films.

I actually think Tarantino is on to something with his films. What is important is he is calling out that we still live in a racist society. People like to sweep it under the carpet (look there was a black president!..america isn't racist!..the fuck is isn't!). I do agree though that you are in your right to not like

you're comment about Laurence Fishburne: He does that quite often..most notable is Hannibal though..his scene in the pilot episode is one of the weirdest scenes I have EVER seen!..even in the history of the show. Will graham walks into the bathroom, washes his face. Jack Crawford (Laurence Fishburne) walks in. "what

I love it. I am a 90s boy. Sure the critics mocked it as "90210 in space", but I think that is part of its appeal. It is essentially a poppy, teen high school drama in a millitary setting..in space!. For that alone I think its fantastic!.There is the wonder there of "how cool would it be to go to high school in

Well if you focus on the flash sideways for the most part, they stuck to that plan as that was all about the characters. That is what I loved about the final season. Because it was basically a flash foward. It showed how the characters were trying to move through the problems that they and was a continuation of the

Romo Lampkin, wore glasses, had a cain and a Cat. Yeah I remember him.

Exactly!..I'm sure when but I think he said it quite early in the podcasts too! "oh the plan?..that was something David Eick thought was cool..so we threw it in there!".

Yes when it had its ideas sorted out the show was unbelievably clever. "Flesh and Bone" is a good example, a episode all about torturing a Cylon prisoner for information and whether or not the rule book goes out the window because he "isn't human". Another was in the second season when Adama asked Athena why the Cyons

I found that hilarious!..the transition was literally between episodes. He is fat in one episode.The next episode, he comes out of a workout at the gym and he has lost it! "don't let me get big like that ever again!" he says to Helo!.

Its pretty much public knowledge that after season 3 they were given 3 seasons left to tell the story and between season 3-4 planned out the rest of the show. Season 2 and half of 3 is when it became apparent that the writers need to know when the show was going to end and were dragging their feet until they got a end

Don't forget Cavil shooting himself!..that was comic gold! "FRACK!" (Shoots himself in the head!). Apparently that was Dean Stockwells idea, Cavil and Adama were going to have a huge fight. Then he got shot but Dean felt that Cavil would thinking "oh shit, the gig is up!..might as well shoot myself!". Yeah I loved the

Oh yeah!, I vaguely remember that!..it was another of those "we have no fucken clue what we are going to do with the bomb, but it will lead..somewhere!" plots that they had!..which..sometimes worked (Helo being revealed to be alive on Cylon Ocuppied Caprica in season 1 and becoming a main character is a example of a

I found it hilarious when I found out how they came up with what the "Black Rock" is!. Damon Lindelof walks in the room, asks the writers in the room "what is the Black Rock?" (to no one in particular) and Paul Dini (whom was also a writer in Batman the animated series) says "its a eighteenth century slave ship",

Lost had a plan from season 3-6 and pretty much made it up as they went along during season 1-2 so quite the opposite actually.