
I still give them points for the Starbucks death episode. It is still one of my favourites and is just a great character piece. I also thought Apollo's argument of everyone ignoring all the crimes that all the other characters (such as Tigh and the suicide bombings) committed during the occupation and other times was

Well Lost is a odd example to point to considering it was a show given the green light based on a idea!. It can be argued that the show went off the rails when it had a plan!..as the flash sideways were thought about quite a few years in advance and the best ideas the show ever had were the ones that came at the last

Even though it was a fan theory, I still think that her father being Daniel would have been amazing. Ron Moore seems definitely like someone that is often blinded by pride. Because if I was him and everyone started talking about this "Cylon Daniel" idea, I would have just gone "hey!, what a great idea!..lets throw it

I liked the first half a lot. Right until the final warp jump..I thought it was all amazing. I was fine with "god did it". The final fight. That was all amazing. Even the part when Starbuck jumps using the piano notes..strange but I still liked it…then they get to earth, Adama is suddenly acting like he just got off a

The funny thing about this show, I never felt that the problem was that they made it up as they went along (some of the best ideas in television come out of thin air). Its overthinking. Whenever Ron Moore had a great idea and carried it out, for the most part it worked. But listening to his commentaries in season 4,

What do you mean "Finally!", Ron Moore had always said since the show ended back in 2009 that they never had a plan and that it was David Eick's idea to boost ratings.

Oh right!…another accident!..I was supposed to say "Starred" and said "stared" by accident!.

Do you mean how do I know he was the main character in the film?. I was about 15 when the film came out, it had pretty big advertising.

Agreed. One of the problems I ever had with Luther (especially the first series), was how predictable it was, it was the easiest show to predict, Alice Morgan especially. The first scene, that showed all the closed windows, a close up of her screaming at the dead bodies…I instantly was like (she did it!..she is the

Few!, I am somewhat relieved. I have read the Killing Joke comic and for the most part, I found it quite good (not a revelation like some thought it was but good none the less). But I had forgotten most of the story. So I freaked out when I watched Jeremy Jahn's review of the film. When he talked about the strange

Wow!, that was truly a unintentional double meaning! (I just toyed around with the fonts..you're right!). I probably would have paid more attention to avoiding that type of confusion if I remembered that he stared in that film (if you can believe it, I have never seen A.I!. Its one of his films I really have been

He's done it!…that little boy who sees dead people..is now Al from Home Improvement!.

You mean a few years!….comics don't become popular THAT fast!.

What did Veena Sud do to you?.

Yeah apart from the Dynasty reboot. CW is now basically the DC Network: Supergirl, Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Izombie and Black Lightning airing very soon. Then there is Riverdale, its not DC but is comic inspired. I think the CW has gone far in the opposite direction since the One Tree Hill days. Its only

Put Reed Hastings house on the market..that should cover it!.

Personally that is my point of view too, I just put it there as a option (again, not the option I would pick).

Yes but there is only one Orgy per season anyway, it doesn't take much to just skip the scene. Also you make it sound like that is all that the show was, that its expenses were mostly on the orgy scenes.

Really?..they could at least finish it off with a movie or something. A movie would definitely have worked with how season 2 ended. Their apology "we are sorry, we have heard you but no" is like saying "we are truly sorry we blew up you're city, we thought about getting you all housing, or even placing mattresses on

Even the often talked about "Orgy" scenes, everyone keeps talking about them like its something you would see on Game of Thrones!. Game of Thrones (especially the earlier scenes) had sex in it just for the sake of it. Everything in Sense8 was controlled and there for a reason: the Orgy scenes looked more like a art