
At this point, this show has become "LOST in prison" in the worst way possible.

That was in the first episode. Right after he got shot in the leg. I think that was because I certainly wasn't expecting that!. It took me back a bit, felt like Netflix was trying to out HBO themselves "oh wow, we can be edgy too, look!, we also can show a penis!".

That is my problem with the season. It feels like a dramatic writer (or a group of them) wrote season 4 and then said, "Okay, we're done" and then the show runner said "what now..I know!…lets hire a group of comedians!". Because, slowing down the action really does open up a lot of possibilities..but it feels like

So if John Wick were a woman…Joanna Wick with a dead cat?.

Was anyone else disturbed and slightly horrified at the way Daya and everyone else responded when she shot that guard in the leg?. I know they were mad and all, and I know some of them have done some bad stuff..but, last I checked, Daya and others weren't emotionless killers..the way everyone just acted like someone

Season 4 overall was the best I had seen the show. Those flashes of brilliance became the show and for the most part I loved S4 from start to finish. It felt like it had a story it needed to tell and told it. It was the most captivating the show had been. This season..I've seen this episode and 1 and half episodes

I was going to try to watch OTNB: season 5 as soon as possible…but got to episode 3..got bored and decided to watch something else.

I read that season 2 was worse for some reason. There were some complaints. What was that about?.

what is that show like?…I watched the first 5 episodes but never got back to it. does it get better or worse?.

How long does everyone think this show will last?…10 seasons?. Its almost unreal to think that this show was based on a British show!..we have come a long way from those humble beginnings, now this is basically..Game of Thrones in the white house. I wonder if me not being american makes it easier to get past the

Its probably just to keep the suits that think "why protagonist, equals success" happy. Its still disorienting though..especially when most of the promotional stills show piper as the main protagonist..when I'd argue that she has been relegated to a side character since season 2.

"Frankenstein's wife"- I was referring to Doctor Poison in Wonder Woman, didn't like her…was a necessary evil, none the less, ate up too much screen time.

Its funny you say that, because, even though all my friends love to tell me "this is basically the DC version of the first Captain America movie, just in world war 1 and with a woman instead!", I just never got into that film like I did with this one. I loved almost every scene in the film (except for the scenes that

Yeah whenever there is a scene that cosmetically looks nice, but is very thin and has little character development, its usually a safe bet that Zack Snyder wrote it.

for memory the answer to that was..they were the only ones with a bike!..there were traffic backed up for miles and everything was at a standstill…they beat tsunami and biked up the hill..still doesn't explain why they were the only ones with a bike!: plot immunity?.

Holly shit!..he does!..I had to stop, I was laughing too much!. When he said "I want to articulate that to you, it will mostly go in a round about way", I half expected him to say "go AROUND!, I cannot open the wall!".

I saw Volcano, can't remember it..Dante's Peak was pretty good..in a cliche disaster film kinda way (Plus it had Pierce brosnan and Linda Hamilton, big plus in my book). Deep Impact bored and amused me, I found it boring that it took way too long to get to the good stuff..but it amused me because a big part of the

Animal Crackers….ugh.

Steve Buscemi was especially hilarious as a weird Hannibal like character. The way he talked "I wore a childs face as a hat" type of stuff. I didn't believe for a second that he actually was a killer. I kind of pictured him as a comedian whom got framed for murder.

I remember!…Con Air was the movie I used to watch when I was sick for a week (back when I was in high school..13..14). The first time I watched the film I loved it, but when I was watching it while being in bed with the flu..I would blip in and out of consciousness "bloody hell the movie is still going!…wow this