
The whole, tree stuff with the kids and the Adam and Eve imagery just lost me completely. I like the idea of a spiritual message but it just felt like it belonged in a different film. As you say, everything else just felt more Sci Fi, personally I felt Knowing was half a great film, intertwined with half a terrible

absolutely, 100% agree. Lindelof said it recently, a massive problem with the ending is ABC airing used footage from season 1 and 2 at the end which (for reasons I still cannot fathom) a large portion of the audience took at "so it is true!..they were dead all along and everything after the crash never happened!!".

That is true..I always joke that LOST was this cult show that got 105 more episodes than it otherwise should have got (usually a show like LOST gets cancelled after 13 episodes, again..I attribute the shows incredible character development as the KEY factor to the shows success and longevity). That and they managed to

was it?..for that episode or specifically in general?. The Dharma shark was seen once in season 2 and other than the hatch, it was the first massive signifier that something VERY strange was happening on the island! (it was also foreshadowing to the Hydra, the station where they tested on Sharks..that was the one

Oh absolutely, I know what it represented..I read all the writers interviews about it too!. I just feel that the music should have been more peaceful rather than trying to make the audience think that there was going to be this big reveal. Personally I love season six, I think it is a fantastic season (Though I do

Oh sure there were absolutely a lot of fans of the conspiracy stuff…but I feel there is a lot of evidence to prove that it is actually the former, the character development that first and foremost drew audiences in. It had a audience of eighteen to twenty one million viewers, it was on one of the top networks (ABC).

I remember..that was their worst mistake..that and making the Flash Sideways feel like this big conspiracy. I love what they did with the flash sideways but I do face palm at the opening sequence for six when Jack is in the plane and suddenly we get the dive in to the ocean ..right with them showing the dharma shark

It makes me wonder, I wonder how well received the LOST finale would have been if Lindelof had trained the audience before hand that he wasn't going to really answer much…if the ending would have been better received. I binged watched LOST with a friend about a year ago, but I told him specifically that most of the

a bit ( a lot) late to the party but I thought I would add in my two cents, since this is a very interesting conversation. I just saw the movie a week ago and I have been thinking about the flashback scenes and what they all mean. I think Shyamalan may have been a little to subtle on this. The flashbacks were to

and the other half of the audience (including myself) was saying "why the fuck is the Unbreakable soundtrack playing?..oh Bruce Willis!..now it makes sense!".

He was still treated as a joke..he was demonized and no one understood him..I loved how in the show, Jesse at least tries to be there for him and his father actually loved him in the series. Personally, yes even though one could feel bad for him in the comics (I did), there were a little too many instances where its

I actually was the opposite to the majority when it came to Laurel, I really liked her in season 1 and 2 and HATED, HATED her in season 3 and 4. Sure she felt a little too much like Rachel Dawes at first, but I warmed up to her, and I thought making Sarah the black canary instead was especially a inspired choice..then

I blame the last two seasons on Aaron Helbing, he was the show runner of season 2 and 3. Andrew Kriesberg was only showrunner of season 1 and then Aaron just kept repeating stuff in 2 and 3. Season 2 and 3 are basically remakes of season 1. There is a speedster with a secret identity (Reverse Flash/Zoom/Savitar). The

Being a 90s kid (Born in 86) The only ones on the list I was able to experience in the cinema's was Titanic and The Blair Witch Project.

isnt that just more of a accent thing though?. AN-ti does sound more american..pronouncing it like an- TI..that is almost british, New Zealander pronunciation.

I would say that is a fair point. It would certainly be different and controversial if it ended that way. The problem I have with it is a part from the fight scene which I thought was pretty good, I didn't like Danny Houston's character at all, nor did I like the scar lady, in fact I thought they dedicated WAY too

Definitely a different story, I see!..you have me curious now, what was the audience behaving behaving like?.

You mean Ares?..the character she was looking for, for the ENTIRE film!.."they felt the need to include him?"..seriously?. He was the one we were all waiting for, I know I was…maybe people just love watching movies blind folded these days.

Oh I thought the twist was especially clever!, I had somewhat lowered expectations going into the movie after reading this review: Sluggish start, bland villain, boring fight scene at the end..and came away feeling the exact opposite: sluggish start!..where! (Casting Robin Wright as the aunt was especially inspired

so you brought a ticket, possibly had to spend petrol to get there and still left half way through the movie!?..that's like going to dinner, ordering a steak, paying for the meal and then walking away..waste of money and for what..to complain about it on a comments board?..don't mind me, if you didn't like it, you