
Also it was REALLY funny!..I always got a giggle at the church sign, every so often someone would re arrange the letters and there were some truly funny ones!. One was: Open up your hearts and souls/ass and holes/ to Jesus, another "Jesus is coming…Run!".

Agreed, the way the season ended, almost felt like the writers were like.."oh shit!..we have to finish the season and we really need more time!..lets just throw this here and there!". I only didn't mind too much because it seemed that they would slow it down in showing you how it came together in the season 3

That would be quite a film to see!, you would see one guy climb a fence in 17 different cuts, while the other is rambling about Bees.

The first season functioned as a prequel of sorts to the comic. In the comic (as you know), he gets Genesis, blam the church blows up and suddenly he is on a road trip, the saint of killers is after him and everything is crazy!. The first season goes back a bit and explores, well "what if Jessie stayed being a

Yeah Its awesome!. Its bat shit crazy, but in a good way

Nope its sad to say, not even Australia, my sister country has someone so lame.

Suing the Grand Canyon..that is a new one, some could say that is a "mute" argument. They can't even come to a agreement, the Grand Canyon doesn't have a hand to shake!,and the hand of a smucky lawyer as the representative doesn't count!.

I blame Barry, its Flashpoint!..Goddammit Barry!.

Problem is those shows look like they have the budget of a school play, whereas Sense8 looks like it has the budget of Bill Gates house, his car, his fence and Donald Trumps Cake combined!.

Its okay to ask. The key word here is being "informed". If someone doesn't understand something, then they should by all means, ask. But if they don't understand and then reply with a judgement..that in itself is not only counterproductive, but it defeats the purpose: the judgmental attitude becomes the only answer

What were the problems you perceived? Just curious.

Usually if someone decides to become a Transgender, they have always felt "in the wrong gender", it just takes some people longer than others to transition.

Yeah apparently Reed thinks oxymoron's are great business decisions and will attract other potential show runners. After seeing him axe: Marco Polo, The Get Down and now this…really great business slogan "Join Netflix!..Take risks and be adventurous!..just don't get too risky..if you go to florida, we will cancel you

It started slow, but season 2 was amazing and season 3 would have been a better place to end the show.

Borrowman didn't fully start to annoy me until season 3 and 4, then it just felt like he was saying the same thing to Thea in every scene "I do everything for you, you are my daughter, I love you. I want to be there for you" rinse and repeat.

Doesn't rhyme..epic fail.

that certainly explains that show's quirky tone and tendency for the characters to "Buffy-speak" often.

Yeah you think they would learn after a while that a good villain needs to relate to the characters!. That is why this season of Arrow was so good, it was personal and it was all about how it affected Oliver's state of mind. It also spoke volumes that it had the first season finale where the villains ultimate goal

There is something I'm confused by, Laura is a cat lover..why was she visited by Anubis when she died?..sure Cats are a big part of Egyptian mythology but Anubis is the complete opposite of that.

Buffy was always about the metaphore..always, even when the show was at its worst, you could always see what they were trying to do, even season six.I love a lot of that season, yes there were the whole Rack and the magic is drugs thing that was so on the nose, but all the monsters were there to provide character