
On the contrary, I think especially with the LBGT crowd, she has quite a fanbase. I know I liked her a lot, sad to see her go. I liked her more than even Lena.

Yeah, she was Batwoman's girlfriend. although I thought she was created specifically for that comic.

Or pull a Jimmy Olsen from the adventures of Lois and Clark and recast her.

Mickey Blouse.

Introducing Bloodline: Ozark.

OMG!!!..Thank you for sharing that!, that is hilarious!. I would have been about 12 in 1999 but I certainly missed that. Living in New Zealand, I certainly missed quite a lot of that type of american fashion. We had more of the bronx look with really baggy jeans all around (where some would have to hold up and walk

Jeans??..I had to look that up, that must have been a carry on from the 80s!…whatever fashion style those Jeans are…I skipped that too!.

Well they have done it..ruined my memories of the bar scene. The instant he walks through the door, the woman?..sitting at one of the tables..has a smile like Predator and the whole scene plays out more like a scene from true blood, with the wooden acting and stares. I don't know about everyone else but watching a

I was only 4 in 86 so fortunately I skipped it and cruised into the 90s!.

It was the 80s, what do you expect?..that was unfortunately the in thing then!. Apparently film directors loved it too, it was in all the films. I watched Fatal Attraction a few years ago. I guess it might have felt more realistic if I lived in that time period, but because I never did I was thinking "well she has

How could you explain Barry's emo flashfoward wig?..hmm..oh I know, season 4 reveals that the supposed future timeline was just a set of a tv show that future H.R made and all of season 3 was just a horrid stage play!.

Yeah I found it funny how he just snuck off into hiding once Chase revealed himself.

Actually I thought in context with that final flashback scene, even that made sense..he may not have been on the island for 5 years as he said..but emotionally scared, tortured and haunted?..absolutely!.

Due to the christian feedback, the sequel will be set in Paradise, New Zealand.

It just reminds me of Jim Carey from that movie number 23. All these right wing Christians are looking for the devil in pop culture..when they are soaking it all up!. Like you allude to, they look at people like you as someone with three heads, yet they're the ones that are eating the apples from the tree of good and

Yeah I may have given up on Shield a little prematurely. I only watched the Pilot. I watched some of the stuff with Robbie Reyes, ghost rider and thought the CGI on him was incredible. The robbie reyes version looks so much better in just pure design than Johnny Blaze. I hear that it starts getting better after

Holly crap!, your right!, H.R dying..I didn't catch that one…but there you go, final proof that she is a Caitlin replacement.

The frustrating thing is that they can do it!, and do it well!…the whole thing of Thea being trained by Malcolm and becoming a warrior was brilliant stuff. That transition worked..Laurel whom they turned way too much into the Rachel Dawes of the series, putting on spandex and becoming a vigilante after a few boxing

Yes I agree, I will respectfully agree to disagree on that one. I can see that too, there are a lot of similarities between this season and the first 2 seasons, I guess that is what I liked about it. It went back to basics without trying to be something else. Season 3 felt like a alternate version of the show. It was

I will have to agree with you there. Arrow season 3 and 4 had a lot of issues, but I could at least see what they were trying to do. and I will say there was A LOT more in Arrow season 3 and 4 that I liked far more than season 3 of the Flash. The first half of both seasons were pretty good (excluding the Sarah death