
That last part was a joke..I doubt you could kill a Cat with a Life Saver..let alone a human being. Seriously speaking, I agree..I was SOOO mad when I found out that, that random guy that gets shot in the head in Batman V Superman was Jimmy…as much as I hate Guardian and I still do..I don't hate Jimmy.

I hope so. Though I don't think they ever explored the idea of Clark and Lex being best friends as thoroughly as Smallville did (comics after this did though and were like 'hey what a good idea!..yoink!"). I'm sure even in the silver age comics, it was just a flashback. Actually Lex's instability was caused by his

The biggest disappointment of the episode is not having a scene of Clark "talking some sense into James Olsen!" since he has been "parading around like Darth Vader punching out Villains"….but I certainly do want to see him being slayed "by a space invader with a Life Saver!".

At this point..it seems they only use the "friend whom doesn't know my identity" motif if they can get away with it…after spending like 3 seasons until Thea found out on Arrow, 2 seasons for Laurel..and they milked it for as long as they could in the Flash (20 episodes for Iris..it would have been sixteen but Barry

That bloody Speed Avatar!!..Gah!..they should have tore up that idea and had frosty as the main villain.

Yet another clue that they are basically poaching all the Smallville storylines. Lex and Clark being friends is officially Supergirl cannon (as of this season) Lena and Kara are also best friends. Lena and Lillian is also a obvious retread of Lionel and Lex. I have my quarms with this..Lillian is nowhere near as

Personally, I thought the Kara/Mon-El romance was built up within the season quite well. I was surprised that they actually put some thought in to it rather than season 1: She see's Jimmy..straight away she wants to ride his Olsen!.. Whaaat!!..and the chemistry between her and Mehcad Brooks (especially in season 1)

Typical egotistical bravado, that is why she accepted it…and a way of catching Kara off guard, she knew that Kara was expecting a fair fight and exploited that weakness.

Not to my knowledge, there was never a scene that even indicated that he knew..she only told Kara.

As someone whom hasn't read the book..I would have to say this is probably my favourite episode of the season. The way it told Laura's story was just incredible, especially leading up to that spectacular fight scene when she saved Shadow. I love how they filmed it like a weird baptism, as if she was born a new in that

You should watch the second season and maybe you might feel a little differently about the series. I adore the film and for what it is, it told a brilliant story of fatality and time in the span of two and a half hours, but the tv show is a different beast. The fatalism is there, but they do take a long form approach

Gotta hand it to these shows, they are really good at remembering their continuity, such as Nyssa explaining how her father told her to go to Lian Yu and its where she met Sarah (a Legends of Tomorrow reference to Sarah going to the past, training with the assassins and telling Ra's to send Nyssa to Lian Yu when she

Like I said..no chance in hell that would ever happen. As that shows, she is here to stay.

Dinah dying?…after only being introduced half way through the season…after the previous Black Canary death last season where all the supposed Laurel fans ran out of their caves to protest!!….no chance in hell that is going to happen.

You gotta admit, even if you don't like the character, it is good storytelling for Quentin (Blackthorne is at his best when Quentin is either quippy or in pain), besides, I really want to see the flashback episode of Sirens where everything turns to custard. I have been a stern critic of Katie Cassidy's acting for

She then drops the mic and leaves the island.

The director of this episode did a brilliant job directing Dolph Lundgren, seriously, I understood every word he said in this episode..it possibly the most of understood him all season..all the other episodes, he either mumbled his lines or he forgot to speak clearly.

At this point..they should rename the show to "Can't write for shit".

There was only one flashback episode I liked in season 4, it was when he Oliver was imprisoned and hallucinated he saw Shado, I thought that was pretty cool..it was much better than what they did with season 3 and the time Oliver finds out Shado has a twin sister!..that is pure soap opera storytelling of the worst

I like the way you see things, too many people, especially on here want the show to be what they want it to be, a sort of wish fulfillment. They fail to recognize that each show has a certain structure to it. I never thought I would be saying this but, I am actually looking forward to Flaurel (Black Siren) to being a