
wait..you think Vigilante is Susan Williams!!…that would be..amazing if that is the case..still doesn't explain the voice that clearly sounds like Josh Segara though.

well..if you put it that way!..lol!..a very political way of looking at it, its like..Buffy is a Democratic show and Supernatural is Republican….that's pretty funny.

wait what?..when was the show the "Anti-Buffy"?…it has wore its Buffy influences on its sleeve since the beginning..true it was season 3 and 4 when it went full on Buffy..but still…was a long time ago.

Yeah I watched the anime, It wasn't too bad actually. It adapted the first 2 seasons, adapting some of the shows best and worst episodes (they made a anime version of the killer truck episode, it was just as bad). What I liked was how it seeded in the mythology sometimes a little better, but there were times when the

He was recalled to hogwarts for very important business, and yes!!..we will absolutely find out the whole thing will be a dream sequence!! and Bobby will be safe and not dead and Patrick Duffy will still be on..oh..wrong show!!…we're screwed..goddammit Barry!!.

otherwise known as "Randolf Morgan's deus ex machina", that device that HR uses to change appearances, there is a lot of chatter that it may be HR disguised as Iris and he is dead instead…my money is on Wally or Joe though..just because, using HR, or even Julian would be the easy route to go.

wouldn't be a huge surprise if they did that..she was after all the villain of this season..just on a unofficial capacity, she was a villain to the fans.

Yeah that sounds like the most plausible and obvious theory, considering the writers usually aren't good at good surprises..its most likely true..it would be absolutely bonkers if it was either Wally or Joe instead though!…I don't know how they would pull off the Joe one, but that would work on a emotional level,

Interesting..you do make some good points, a villain with a clear and coherent agenda is good…but..I dunno…generally, there are two types of villains I see in fiction. There is the "static villain"- there agenda is fixed, everything is black and white..oranges don't exist in their world. Then there is the "evolving

Its still funny how Vigilante has literally just snuck off behind the curtain..he reminds me of that fat guy in the wedding singer, after Adam sandler sings that song he wrote for his girlfriend (half before they broke up, other half after..it gets dark in the second half..this was back when it looked like Sandler was

You mean..the one he supposedly got into a relationship with, managed to date and spend lots of time with..while he was training to be murderous killer?…he either has amazing time management skills..or..nothing about that relationship makes sense.

That is what I hated about the "William" storyline the most, they turned a kid into a macguffin! (and now they're doing it again!). The only point of the story was to create tension between Oliver and Felicity, there is nothing about who the kid is, Oliver getting to know him, spending time with him, us getting to

So glad you watched the episode!, thought you would like it, yeah Jughead wearing a hat on all the time is interesting, it does happen in the comics for what I know (also him eating hamburgers all the time is also in the comics..but this was the first episode in the series where we actually see him eat one), but the

That would have been over kill..but its all good..we got her replacement instead.

then your watching the wrong show buddy..the only time they ever killed felicity was on Legends..it didn't stick…and it will never happen.

Had Straczynski had known, he would have a season 5, there certainly would have been one..season 4 was originally intended to end with Sheridan in prison, captured by earth alliance.

I really hope you do get to watch the whole series at one point..its a great watch!…I think you would enjoy it..(and as I said before, I am so sure they are setting up Betty on a possible Norman Bates/split personality arc…I will be really mad if they drop it in season 2, "Dark Betty" was a fan favourite of whom would

That is true, you do make a good point…I had a similar experience in high school, I got bullied a lot and I was so angry, my parents kept threatening to send me to boarding school to get me to behave (which Mum wouldn't have done because she would have missed me too much). So I spent most of my time in my room on the

interesting!..It actually reminded me of Babylon 5's third season! (that was when they first reach a "point of no return"), but I can see that too!..the fast pacing may have been it too, because the fourth season was super rushed..it was basically season 4 and 5 smashed in to one (they thought it was going to get

Its interesting though, yes he is "self-absorbed and overly dramatic", but this show has shown something that I don't think has been explored at all on television (apart from Kevin in "this is us" which is basically the same story, his is getting better but Lito's is by far the better one of the two), how hard it