
Interesting, I didn't expect such divided reactions on the finale…was it rushed, yes it was..but I did find it extremely exciting and am so looking forward to season 3. The only mixed reaction I had for this episode is, it doesn't serve as a great series finale if Netflix cancels it, I will be pissed. In terms of that

well…as much as I love Lito, and I really do (he is my favorite sense8)..he can be a self absorbed dimwit…I can just imagine the conversation now. Hernando: "so…you have been sharing a psychic link between several other people from all over the planet..for a little over a year and you only tell me about this now

Funny!….that is how I knew there was a change between the two!…I agree..detective Mun is indeed attractive, but it is very glaringly obvious that its two different people when you look at the guy she had sex with, he is kind of bullish looking, not as attractive as Mun. ..I even looked up the actors just to get

Dan and Blair!!..I vaguely remember reading about that..but it still comes as a surprise. I stopped watching when her and Chuck were still a couple (before he became irredeemable apparently) and I only watched "most" of the finale with the reveal of Dan being Gossip Girl…maybe I should rewatch the series, I'm

I really don't get the hate for that character, I really don't. I found him for the most part to be pretty great, him and Kara are cute together and I just love how much they are gender bending everything (where he more the female in the relationship and she is the dominant male). The lack of drama between them helps

That!!..I agree on!..ooo!..maybe watching the first season of Gossip Girl and then skip to the series finale..that would probably be perfect considering the Gossip Girl revelation stops making sense the longer the show went on for…I stopped watching towards the end of season 2.

No, the flashback to the tournament while she is fighting detective mun, is not the same flashback to the one where she fought and had sex with that guy, his name was Woojin.

Oh, absolutely!, this season of Arrow has been amazing, I just watched a interview with Wendy Mericle and she said Supergirl moving to the CW made them go back to the drawing board and really hone in what makes it a different show from the other 3.

hmmm..well he certainly has the look to be related to Jughead, but he looks kind of young, he is supposed to be a few years older, in his mid twenties…which is why I went with moose, because the actor is about 25…still, yes incest is all over this show!….what next…come season 3 and its revealed that Archie is also a

well…if that scene they cut from the season finale was any indication (the deleted scene with Polly going back to Riverdale and being insulted by Reggie)..I wouldn't be surprised if they cut out a entire subplot to his character, that scene certainly indicates that he was around the whole season and they snipped him

I really hope not! (on the soapier part)..what I love about the show is..yes its a teen drama..but it doesn't feel like one..it feels like a teen drama if it were directed by Bryan Fuller. Like a gothic take on it. I rewatched most of the season just recently and there were some great foreshadowing..such as, the look

That sounds pretty cool!..aha!..you mean how the antagonist of Pretty little liars is very similar to chase/prometheus of Arrow?..got it!…but from reading some things about Pretty little liars..isn't all the problems they get into of their own making anyway?…like, it was their own stupidity and lack of humanity that

Agreed!..She could be bald…and Veronica Lodge would still be smoldering hot!.

Respectfully disagree, the later half of the season showed how remourseful she was for her actions and how much she wants to make amends, I wont deny, she is a deeply flawed and still a seriously fucked up character..but I wouldn't call her evil, unlike Penelope Blossom…gah I hate her!…if Cheryl had hung herself and

thanks for the article, that's why I said "supposed" because I knew it wasn't true, but now I know, its just bad writing that screwed the pooch on that one.

Barry and logical reasoning?…NEVER!!.

hmmm..Barry is a guy whom travels between the past and future..creates alternate realities and makes everything much worse..naah…he is more like Trunks..that is what Trunks does.

Actually its really quite easy…its a Japanese version of Superman..boom!..case closed!

Flash had said Fck, it, way before this episode, I would say it was the episode in last season when they revealed that "Jay" was fake and his real name was Hunter Zoloman and introduced the time remnants..this is just continuing that ridiculous idea (that should of been scrapped the moment it was introduced)..at this

funny isn't it how in terms of plot and direction, this season of the Flash is almost identical to that of Arrow..that is in itself a red flag..the flash is no Arrow..nor should it pretend to be.