
Interesting, (yes I just read something to the affect of him appearing in season 2 aswell), So do you think its worth reading a few black hood comics to prepare for the character?

We now have a answer to that question: Archie (and the actor portraying him) uses their fists to break the ice and both come away with a broken hand.

When a show is so well plotted, well shot, and has fantastic characterization as this, I'm guessing the "Guilt" is at a minimum right?…(I don't know if the term has changed over the years, but I would call, shows like Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill..guilty pleasures..because they are so ridiculous you feel guilty watching

Isn't Black Hood a super hero though?..shooting Fred ain't Heroic..by a long shot.

hmmm…maybe I should look for a episode guide that specifies certain episodes to watch. Now that makes me wonder.. what is it about this season of Arrow that feels like it was written by the writers of Pretty Little Liars?

I'm confused, this reviewer said there were only three moments of catharsis in this episode, but aren't their four?…Nomi's speech to Teagan at the dinner at the beginning of the episode. It is such a big moment, I'm surprised it isn't even remotely mentioned in the review. Its such a great scene, I think it rivals the

was it obvious that the shooter was a male? just asking, cause I wondered if it was a woman…they did just call Hermione lady mcbeth in the episode, maybe it was possible that she went in there to scare Fred and everything went south.

…HOLLY SHIT!!…I totally forgot about him!!…sure they're recasting Regee but..Dilton just vanished!!…screw what happened to Jason Blossom..what the hell happened to Dilton Doiley!!…I WANT TO KNOW..NOW GODDAMMIT!!…BAAARRRY!!…(Couldn't help it, everytime I say goddamit, I feel the urge to say goddammit Barry!!).

Is that a endorsement!?…I have been meaning to watch that show (pretty little liars) for a while now (been contemplating it)..only seen the pilot which I thought was..okay…(it was probably the mindset I had at the time, I thought it was a witch show liked Charmed or practical magic!..and was waiting for the magic

well…techically it would be Jughead in foster care, Archie would just be the rebel, crashing at his house! lol.

Well..there goes the pornography for the retirement homes.

"Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah, Chick Chicka Chicka".

yeah that would never happen..but, maybe that gives Archie a excuse to move to southside and live with Jughead?

I've been watching that, but I was actually referring to when he mentioned that Archie and Veronica's relationship would be using Multi-Syllable words and her having to define them, it just made me think of Scrabble!.

I didn't see you on the Riverdale comments section..I was really wanting to know what you thought about the show!!?..so did you watch any of the episodes since we last talked?

Norma or Norman?..I really really missed Norma this season!..I was like Norman!!, No Norma would make me go crazy too!.

LMAO!!..James: Please throw me through a pane of glass- Olsen!!..you should put that on a T Shirt!…I would Buy one!.

I'm glad you enjoyed the two parter, I hated it..well I liked the first part, the second with the fight in a lonely street was stupid.

Wow!…I was rewatching the scene of Archie punching the ice and thinking to myself "wait a minute!..that looks like no fakery!..that looks like real blood coming from his hand!" and yep.I just read it in a interview,.KJ Appa literally broke his hand filming that scene..no fakery involved.

Really impressed with Archie in this episode!.. especially when he saved Cheryl, he just starts punching the ice..coupled with that Hulk Smash at the end, it was like we were finally seeing the real Archie and it was glorious!.