
2 Broken In Girls

interesting..actually the way I saw it was, this was the first time he truly felt like he was accepted..on a wide scale. Jughead has always been the outsider and though he acts like it don't affect him, it really has taken its toll on him all season. The set up for the serpent scene was when he went to the south side

That is exactly what I was thinking!..the scene when he was breaking the ice was a great moment..and it was the first truly great Archie (the character) scene. The reviewer was right, that moment also made his scene when he sang on stage really awesome too…what a champ!..strums a guitar with a broken hand!…those

Makes sense…they were both on "all my children".

Sounds like another David Caruso to be honest.

considering that the series creator has called the scene their Bruce Wayne/Peter Parker moment….It is highly doubtful.

I just really like the idea of them going all Batman/Peter Parker with Archie and season 2 has him knocking people out and taking names! (honestly, after seeing him smash the ice in this episode!..I wouldn't want to mess with him..he could be a force to be reckoned with!).

Its some guy named Mark Consuelos, don't know of him

..with the "oh yeah" song playing in the background!.

word is the original ending to the season had Archie breaking up with Veronica…they decided to change it and shot Fred instead..(what a relief!).

so you want their relationship to be..a game of Scrabble!!??…yeah I would go for that!.

It would be quite clever if it was!..I mean, usually…in real life..you could never hide the fact that someone is in their mid twenties and pretending to be a teenager!..but..that is actually a twist that could believably work in a tv show..that one of the Jocks has faked his ID and is secretly Betty's brother?…yeah

Yeah, I really like Rene..I really do!..but, he does have a point!….Rene being a father by day and then run around as a John Woo reinterpretation of Jason Voorhees by night??…I think not!.

So I read some stuff about how flammable certain alcohol's are…and while the wine catching on fire like that in the episode is certainly…very very theatrical and Hollywood-ish, alcohol is flammable..to a point..some a more flammable than others..there is a meter that measures how certain substances can catch fire and

Yeah..well, I do know beer is enough to cause it to catch fire..so I did find her throwing wine on the candle to by quite believable too (though in the reviewers defense, the shot of the candle is really quick!..I missed it too and also thought "wow she threw a bottle and it exploded!"..it was only when I rewound and

could be..but the showrunner..left a interesting easter egg when talking about the end of the season..he hinted at the possibility that Betty's long lost brother could be someone in the show that we already know of and have seen on the show..yes he could be throwing us off..but what if it is true?..who could it

Also never heard of it..cool though..though I have heard of "Faux Pas", easily forgiven, just remember that "Common sense" or "Common knowledge" is what is only common around your area and not always everywhere…as you said quite well, that term is common knowledge to you because you grew up going to Ballet (whereas, I

I'm of two minds about the cliffhanger too!, on the one hand, its such a perfect ending to the entire season and, like the reviewer stated, it makes this whole season feel like a prequel to the real story!..it puts Archie's entire story arc in context!..and to think, if your saying that the shooting was a last minute

Huh!, I didn't think of it that way!… thank you for that! That was some really good insight, I guess if I also looked at the season with those eyes (everything relates to Buffy) I would like it more also…no matter what my dislikes are for the season overall, I do agree that Buffy has a overall fantastic character arc,

I support bringing Lito over to any show, I agree!!..he would improve almost every show he is in!.