
Something saved Shadow yes (as indicated by Technical Boy's "Children" suddenly split in half as if something hit them), who it was, whether it was someone or Shadow himself, we don't know yet. Bryan Fuller said in a interview that they let that mystery stand for a few episodes.

But it was someone or something that killed Technical Boy's "children", they were all sliced in half by something.

Yeah I understood that stuff and I liked that too..but when you chalk it all up to it…not a lot of time was really spent on Buffy in season 7. Yes thematically it tied to her..but it was always …principle wood..or the first evil..or the potentials..she got lost in the shuffle, she has some great moments and the stuff

Nicole Kidman is dressed like a hundred year old ghost….ah the irony!.

so what you wrote was just based on what you know of the season from spoiler details?..so you didn't know that black siren was going to appear before lance?..or that nyssa and talia were going to fight?..impressive.

Wrong comment section dude!!..this is the Arrow comments..not the sense8 one.

There was a sizzle reel for the rest of the season that aired about three weeks ago..a late season trailer.

They cheated with that one!..they put Felicity in a costume once and it was indicated that Thea was dead. ..on a episode of Legends.

Well..I really liked season 6, sure the execution left a lot to be desired in places, but it had a interesting message "life as the big bad" and I love how personal it was (though I do wish I could get rid of the trio completely, andrew should have died instead of Johnathan and the magic as drug subplot really could

That is true…..although I'm constantly surprised how far SPN pushes the boundaries of its Meta episodes, I'm usually frustrated at how much it sticks to the shows status quo. Supernatural's biggest surprise was when it introduced angels (and Castiel, in what was arguably the shows best season), to my knowledge, that

Yes I do. The first two seasons are more of a mix between Buffy and the X files…but it started to more more towards Buffy in season 3 and went full Buffy in season 4 and hasn't changed the formula since. The overall narrative arc, the big bad..its mood whiplash, its comedy episodes.. that is all Buffy..it even has a

Gotta say, I also agree with everyone's comments on the new Capheus…I really didn't want to like him and I actually hated him in the Christmas special, he was more mature and serious…yet it felt like he was trying too hard to do a Aml Ameen impersonation. Come this season and they really stepped it up with his story,

Interesting theory about black siren: I'm taking that your coming up with this based on the sizzle real. There is one problem with that. Yes there is the scene of her coming to quentin, there is also (a very quick) scene after that of her walking away from him, leaving him in what looks like a storage unit or

Glad to hear others talking about Buffy other than me!. I absolutely loved that show! and yes all the tv of today owe so much to it. I mean we have its male counterpart still airing on tv now: 12 seasons and counting!.

Don't watch it!! (Suicide Squad) its not worth it!…not even if your drunk..I never thought they could make a more incoherent movie than Batman V Superman, it proved me wrong.

That is a totally bonkers idea!!..that Paul.PAUL!!.. the ex husband of Curtis whom broke up with him over the fact that he is a vigilante..ends up being revealed to be Vigilante!?..that is such a ridiculous idea!………I like it!.

Yes the island flashbacks will be ending this season, most likely not until the very end, they are setting up the first scene of season 1: Oliver alone on the island with long hair, a beard, wearing the arrow (hood) uniform with the deathstroke mask stuck in the sand with a eye in it (which we saw the later part

Nope we still don't know who Vigilante is…they are holding on to that reveal until next season…..half of me is hoping its a twin brother of "chase", just so that they have a excuse to have Josh Segara stay on the show!.

That is why I found the children scene in this episode kinda icky, sure its meant to show that she developed a strong emotional bond with him from such a early age, but, if you watch the first season, before the episode when Barry tells her that he is in love with her (which is a very well done scene by the way), you

Oh I HATED Hercules!, still do!, was watching some episodes of the show not too long ago and..nope, he was still terrible…I always preferred Xena, there were a lot of goofy stuff in that show but Lucy Lawless acted the hell out of that show!, she really created quite a complicated character!, even the first episode