
did they cure her blood lust or did they just scrap that plotline? I forget. Because they did the same thing with Sarah on Legends..she had bloodlust..then she didn't.

No, but atleast its now not a terrible show with moments of greatness, its at least a good/sometimes very good show with moments of greatness. Yeah the fort rozz storyline was so so bad!, the first season finale was practically unwatchable…superman under mind control..because he has been on earth since he was a

funny that, the Frank Grimes episode is probably the last one I remember (and one of my favorites..that and the monorail one).

and your words do nothing but prove me as correct, as they have lost any shape or form and are meaningless. This is my last post, unless you have something interesting or relevant to say on the topic, I have nothing more to say to you.

did you just watch the episode!? (not that I'm complaining or anything, I sometimes wait and watch it after the flash too…need a bit of levity these days). Hatcher has only started working for me since she started talking to Lena, I never thought I would say this, but I miss Kevin Sorbo, they really shouldn't have

Exactly!!, for some reason, everyone is looking at last season through rose colored glasses and saying it was amazing compared to this season. Hell no!, last season had the worst of everything!, almost nothing was working, apart from the Cat grant scenes, martian manhunter, alex and of course Kara..everything else was

Again, a lot of words wasted on wasting your and my time. More back and forth passive aggressive nonsense. The only worth while thing you said was about Killer Frost personality possibly being based on her childhood trauma, but even that I have seen on another previous post where you used that to insult that person

Its like america is going through a cycle, we had a actor (Reagan), a dramatic actor (Nixon) a unintentional stand up comic (Clinton), a time traveling, John Oliver impressionist (Bush) Denzel Washington (Obama) now a comedian (Trump), what next: Chris Tucker 2024?, Gary Busey 2028?

I would pay big money to see trump DDT,d into the ground!.

I wonder why?..digital media now?..back when I had to watch tv and there were only 3 channels I watched the show religiously. Don't think I watched any episode past 1999 though…that was when the show was actually good.

you sure know your stuff..about the Simpsons movie!.

So…if he gets in..Jesse Ventura for vice president?….we're all doomed.

Well..Trump being president was already predicted by the simpson…maybe a future president (or the current one) placing a dome over america will happen to!?.

especially considering they took a lot of time to show earlier in the season that she really doesn't see any rhyme or reason when she is in the Frost persona. She is more driven by anger and rage, it felt out of character to see her suddenly all mature and rationally minded.

Yeah it does seem like its just causing a problem for no reason don't it!?. I would have rather had a Savitar flashback episode.

You just spent three paragraphs explaining why you have a right to insult someone on the internet, you used the first paragraph to tell me that I just perceived it as a insult. You used the second paragraph to tell me that it may be true (the insult) but say there is no proof, then you use the third paragraph to

Well, Its obvious how you use you anonymity, as you just did to insult me. "They probably recognize that KF is a villain. They understand her backstory in the comics and understand how it has been adapted for the show. You, on the other hand, do not." so enlighten me, since it sounds like you know, the character from

I like this episode, I really do..but..did the showrunner come up with the plot or the individual writer?..because its a pretty out there pitch.."hey! how about a goofy amnesiac episode, just after learning Savitar's identity yeah?". Why couldn't we have a episode of how Barry became Savitar, instead of a episode

pretty much yeah. The reverse flash storyline in S1 was pretty great..but after that, its like "lets just copy the formula, bring in another speedster that is faster than Barry and is mysterious and will reveal his identity later in the season". In this sense seasons 2 and 3 are just bad remakes of the first season
