
Exactly!, if they want to make a character in to a Macguffin, at least make us feel for the Macguffin!. There is a anime called "Noein" which is almost identical in story to this season of the flash. It was about this girl named Haruka and her childhood friend Yu. They're children just living their lives, when a group

It would have been way better than what we got..him in a suit Jigsawing dialogue all season!..I half expected him to say "want to play a game!". and that moment when Savitar forgets who he is and pins Frostlin to the wall and looks in to the camera "WHO AM I!!" was so cheesy!!. Its such a meme worthy moment.

Cisco summed up this season in one sentence! "wow its all coming together!…in the worst way possible".

I agree there. Do not want a Julian ex Machina their way out of this one. The elevator scene indicated that Frost was losing control and the Caitlin side was coming in (struggle for dominance).

Absolutely, I would argue the first half of the season was pretty good…even the save Iris arc started out compelling…until audience induced apathy set in..you can only see Iris dying so many times before it becomes..meh. and they saved their best idea for last..Barry being Savitar!..Grant was awesome as evil

didn't he look bascially the same as future emo Barry? (that is one hell of a image, future Barry moping in a wrecked lab for years, with nothing but a laptop watching dragonball z all the time!).

If you read the Ign review for the episode, the reviewer starts spouting cry me a river crap like how the show "expects us to believe they have a deep bond for eachother despite the fact that Jimmy has only known the kid for only 20 minutes". I disagree, no matter how long, someone can make a deep impression on you,

don't they need a warrant to search Stephen Kings house?

Makes sense..because I don't want to know.

Nope!…I would rather Vin Diesel then Poundstones.

Okay, so I have only watched the first episode (and some episodes of the Frozen arc because I was curious), what would you recommend be the episodes or seasons to watch and what to not watch? (I do have a idea, seasons 1-3 don't miss).

I also like the fact that Grimm is now a show with a beginning, middle and a end..as someone who hasn't watched even episode of that show, that is appealing. I have only watched a couple episodes of Once upon a time (I liked them, but from the sounds of it, this show is seriously becoming kingdom hearts the series,

Absolutely!, whenever Jai Courtney walked around..I was thinking "I don't remember Michael Bein being this boring!" because I still love the first one and I was thinking "that isn't kyle rease!" he looks like he has just been through hell and back, hasn't had any sleep and has taken some drugs…Jai Courtney looked like

exactly!..so when I meant the reviewer hadn't read the comments section…I was referring to the comments section of the previous episode which he also made that mistake.

LOL!!….the bat signal comment was good!. Maybe its because I remember that scene really well and in that scene, Sun described the man, his name and she looked at it as a experience she would never forget. It was after all..not just sex, she lost her virginity to that guy (so in this case when the review refers to him

You make a good point!..I never thought of that!…Lito does it…everything is fine..Capheus does it…everyone calls him a idiot!.

I was quite frustrated by that portion of the review, its like (now look who is stereotyping?), even from that one scene, from one word, he did not sound Australian. Also I didn't find it that hard to understand, that other sensates can notice eachother, especially in a crowded room…its not because of the song.

I will say it again: Detective Mun IS NOT Suns lover!!. He was a random guy that she beat up, she made a impression on him, he made NO impression on her at all!.

That's not a good sign!-everyone said the same thing in the last episode..conclusion: this reviewer doesn't read the comments section OR they actually believe we are wrong that is her lover! (he isn't, I am 100 percent sure on that).

I've said it all this season apart from Martian Manhunter (which him and any green martian that we see, ends up looking like a Mudokon with playstation 1 effects), the special effects have looked so much better this season. Especially when it comes to supergirl flying, there is more speed and there is a less goofy