
I actually thought that was pretty realistic, quite often when someone has a parent that doesn't measure up to their expectations of them, they look for someone else that matches their preconceived notion of the "perfect parent". Most of this is even on a subconscious level, they don't realize they are doing it.

Awww that's so cute!!…a Winn fangirl!??..I haven't seen someone go all knights of the round table (or tumblr!?..is that what people are like on there!?..never used it) on me over a side character like Winn before!. ..However, you did make a good point about the Winn/Lena parallels, I've been so focused on the

So I'm not sure how much of the show is based on the book..but.its such a strange show..it felt like I was watching a alternate retarded version of: Unbreakable Kimmy schmidt where Kimmy did not get kidnapped by a cultist and grew up angry and mad at the world..Breakable Kimmy Schmidt! and I just kept watching and

I 100% knew they were going to go Killer Frost this season!..I knew they weren't going to go near there in S1 and no way in hell in S2…its soo a season 3 storyline..it basically screams s3..because that is usually when the writers feel they have the lee way to break from the traditional status quo…having said

I understand (and respect) that. I agree more with AV Club when it comes to last weeks Arrow episode. It brought the characters I loved back, before things went south (I was a big Olicity fan in season 1 and 2, rather not really for them to get together but I loved their goofy will they, wont they chemistry). I

That is true. I agree on that too, Sarah Conner is a absolutely fantastic character! and her transformation from Terminator 1 to 2 is astounding!..above all…it makes sense!. Which is why I can never count any movie sequel past T2 as cannon (especially Genisys, I tried watching that…I don't remember terminator being a

That was a fantastic episode!, I'm still not sold on Guardian fully, but as a James Olsen episode, it was pretty dam good!..I think this is the most character development we have got from him in..like.ever!. He is starting to actually feel like a 3 dimensional guy..instead of just being a handsome guy with nice cheek

Yeah he was!..I forgot about that!..he was the brother of that kid whom his mother locked in the basement in season 2.

Really?..Interesting!…so your saying he is actually just a random minor villain that became quite popular because of the films?..cool.

well..she is a series regular next season so if they do go Smallville on us…it won't be for a while..it will be a lot of back and forth.

well Superman is gonna be in the finale..and so will Zod!..so that should be good! (I hope they mention that Superman has fought Zod..otherwise..who has he been fighting for the last 12 years…other than a bald guy with a large trust fund and a case full of Kryptonite?).

I can see it now!..Jimmy Olsen..IN!!.."Guardian with no Galaxy!".

as long as there isn't a frog eating clone involved, I would love to see them share a scene together!.

I actually liked her for the first couple seasons of DH, well…especially season 1…she was no Bree by a longstretch (always loved Bree!), but I liked her more than Edie.

(Reads the headline…Supergirl rehabilitates the shows worst storyline), Okay, I'm not going to read anymore, I have got to see this! (Just about to watch the episode, I know, I'm late to the party!). I'm one of the biggest critics of the James Olsen/guardian storyline (hated it so far). I really hope they can change

Exactly!, it was on network television, filmed in HAWAII!, had a cast of FOURTEEN SERIES REGULARS!..which literally kept climbing as the series went on, it eventually became one of the most complicated and serialized shows on television! (especially in the last 3 seasons) and even then, amassed more than 9 million

I agree, even when you do binge watch it, it can be jarring, especially if you're used to the really slow pacing of the first season which detail every character beat, there is a weird push-pull between the BPO storyline and each characters individual story, The first half of the season is extremely balances the two

I disagree when you mention T2, it actually did the same thing that guardians 2 did, go small on plot and big on character. Yes everyone talks about the amazing (for the time, still pretty good) special effects and the grandiose action sequences, But the brilliance of T2 was how personal it was and how character

Me too!, I can't get enough of them!, I would happily watch a 13 episode spin off featuring only Lito/Hernando and Dani!…they should do that!..do it Wachowski's!

I actually never thought of Bug like that!..now that you mention it, I kind of see what you mean. I actually saw Bug as more of a pop culture junkie whom has taken on a larger than life comedian persona (which they kind of allude to in later episodes). The thing that he does with his voice when he pauses and