
Yeah I know what you mean, he talks..like..this!! and..pauses..all..the..TIME!. I didn't actually know what it was what he did until Neets brings it up (in the next episode I think), she says "can you stop doing the pregnant pause-y thing!?" and he is like "ok, ok, I will set it…UP!!". I looked it up, the pregnant

It could be that, but I think, from the way she came on to Lito at the beginning of the series, I think she is so used to using her body to get what she wants and is just used to having a sexual relationship with men. I think she just found it refreshing to actually have conversations and friendships with men without

Actually Bug is quite a lonely guy and doesn't really think that highly of himself at all, he wants to fit in but doesn't know how to. The Christmas special showed that when he talked about how all his "friends" are just people on the internet and when Nomi and Neets invited him to go to a Christmas party with them,

You would have thought Sun/Jin from Lost would have made a bigger impact, I wish it did. I mean' that is still still revolutionary even by current television standards! (two Korean actors speaking in Korean for almost a entire episode with subtitles, on prime time american television!..still hasn't been done since,

More scenes of Bug sure help too (I can't help it!, I really like Bug, his "I think I won't sleep for a week!" reaction to finding out about Nomi was hilarious!). I think the only out of place truly slapstick scene the series has done (which was technically this season) was in the Christmas special, when Kala and

He is confusing it with the man she fought in the flashbacks in the first season. In that scene, he was a reigning champion (I think) and he lost, but they had a moment of connection in the locker rooms and had sex. Its not the same guy. This guy was a lesser fighter, he fought her but she doesn't even remember him,

"It'd be abc family" yeah because ABC Family just loves tv shows where the entire family can sit in front of the tv with a bowl of pop corn watching a girl slit her wrists, in excruciating detail!.

Yeah it could have done with a bit of a rewrite, especially when it comes to the parents, a little too many scenes with the parents that distracted from the overall narrative. Overall I really liked it though, personally I would give it a 8.5

Actually he did call her Mike in both scenes he was in, in season 1 (he was only in two scenes). In episode 11 when he shows up as a last minute Deus Ex Machina when Nomi is out of proper tech equipment. He says to her after she says that she has no way to pay him."I didn't come for the money. I would still be in

That is a excellent point!, Hernando and Daniela have a insane amount of chemistry (the actors and the characters). It is like the moment they met eachother they clicked and every scene they are in, just works, to make a literal metaphor, if those sparks between them were real they would be shifting houses because

Wow!, thank you for that!. I really see the Matrix in a new light now. I'm so glad she didn't, Lana is such a beautiful soul!, she is so funny! and she is so pretty!. So basically that whole railroad scene with Neo and Agent Smith is almost a reinactment/reinterpretation of Lana's almost suicide. It really does make

Absolutely!, I was bullied immensely in high school, in fact one of my best friends was one of my prime bullies, only befriended me to take my lunch and he found me funny in a laugh at me kind of way. It took me years of Counselling to get over the trauma of the experience. But one of the biggest things I learned from

That is where it is up to the director to "direct" the actor and explain to them what they are supposed to feel in that scene, because it is the directors job to have that in their mind, if the scene doesn't land, more often than not, its the director who fucked up, not the actor.

oops!, I forgot about that, that's right!, Nomi took the fall because she was under age. True, Neets I guess was just being a good girlfriend and sticking up for Nomi. I guess I just found it refreshing that Bug was at least honest, he came from a place of honesty and never means to insult in any way, it is indicated

..kind of..its interesting now that you mention it though (in regards to your comment on kids learning to be shit heads from their parents)..yep your right, they do gloss over the parents being shitheads part..but..I never thought about it until you mentioned it, basically the only people who's parents we really get

Just like how Riley's father is completely normal even though he takes every drug Riley throws at him! (they took ecstasy last season before he did a music gig, they all took it like it was a asprin!).

Oh I absolutely adore bug!, He was in literally only two scenes in the first season, but they were memorable ones. To the point that, when I was watching the Christmas special and there was the part when Nomi and Neets went to Bugs boat (with the audience not knowing its Bug yet), saying "this is the last resourt, I

It really does and its interesting because I found the BPO plot quite boring in season 1, but they really dig into it this season that involves everyone and there are just so many great moments!, I didn't want it to end!. Do you think it will definitely get a third season?..after the season ended I need it!!. I really

Seriously, what is up with all these SJW comments about the show?!, do haters really have nothing better to do than go on to a comment section and thrash the show because they don't like the message?. The intro which is basically the same from the first season has been a statement on to itself, that its a show that is

I just finished the season too, they really toned down the orgy scenes huh?. I mean people said they were pornographic and apparently some only watch the show just because of it!. I'm glad they did, because I just don't think a lot of people are mature enough to understand the message they were trying to do with those