
yeah, I doubt they will ever go that dark, because they said once that when a sensate dies, the pain and loss is unbearable. I don't think I could handle that to be honest.

Yeah I forgot about the girl too, to be honest, that storyline confused the heck out of me in S1, but I liked how the first episode of S2 explained how will would see the ghost of her right from when he was a child. It resolved a plot hole from season 1, which the critics took issue with: when everyone, mostly Will at

I just found the scene so dam good that I kind of overlooked it to be honest, its not often a show/movie can get away with them, but this time I would call it a "forgivable screwup", kind of in the variety of Frequency (yes that film that was recently remade in to a short lived tv series). One of the biggest screw ups

It usually depended on who spoke it, G,Kar and Londo were such big bombastic characters that they could get away with it. Bruce Boxlietner, loved to ham it up every chance he got as sheridan, though he did get better as he went along. The worse case was Mira Furlan as Delenn, she would turn in to the best or worst

yeah that part was strange too, it was either a writing or a editing mistake..because that hasn't happened since.

This is interesting, reading this entire article, its clear that there are many that really view this show with a lack of creative insight. Yes Clifford being the killer lacks emotional impact on the audiences part. Did we have a emotional connection to him?. No. Did we have a emotional connection to Jason?..also

and they EXPLICITLY said that Jason did not get shot on July the 4th but a week later!. That reviewer is still going on with the assumption that Jason died on that day!..was he watching the show half asleep?..for someone who was apparently really invested in the murder mystery, that is a big detail to forget about.

I bet its men that are the ones complaining too (that is what the previous comment's indicated to me "my wife thinks it could happen, I think its a fantasy like Game of Thrones"). Because many forget how things were for women. Admittedly we still live very much in a patriarchal society, but I once talked to a women

LMAO!!, I don't think this show is trying to be a parody!, if they did that, that is such a goofy and outlandish idea, that I wouldn't bat a eye if Wonder woman just randomly appeared at the end of the season!.

Whoah!, that is such a good idea!. That would be much better and would be a good way of showing how you can't judge someone based on appearance or stupid stereotypes.

Yeah the interview is what sold me aswell, I watched the Christmas special and was thinking.."I'm not really sure about this!, he is more mature and serious looking, compared to Aml this new Capheaus looks like Shrek, he just squeeled! and it was REALLY Cringy!". But I felt like he started to settle in to the role by

Yeah apparently they go to each country and film the scenes in their entirety there, so every scene in nairobi and then they move to san fansisco or iceland for example. That would be SOOO confusing!!, because that means they would be bouncing around all the time and filming scenes of episode 1,4 and 7 in chicago and

sounds like a good idea!, I binged all 4 episodes of the Handmaids Tale yesterday, I really wished this show was out then because as you indicate, its draining!. and every time I watch this show, I get goosebumps and butterflies!.

What a episode!, I was mind blown!. Sure the Clifford reveal wasn't massive or anything, it still shocked me that he would shoot his own son!..but the biggest reveal honestly was the reveal that the coopers are also Blossoms! and that they changed their name. I found some information that blew my mind and mentioned

Yeah it really was a incredible episode of television, I don't care what people say, Riverdale has brought it!. From its first episode it has consistently been just so entertaining and clever, and its style!, I wonder if the creators are fans of Bryan Fullers shows because I haven't seen such visually stunning sets

No insane rage needed…he was just a dick.

then she wouldn't be useful to them at all, they would have to provide crutches, maybe a wheel chair, so now you have a main character who is bumping into things or is rolling around the place in a wheel chair.

why!? Really? what is the purpose in piling hate on something they have no clue about or haven't seen a frame of?.

The great thing about season 1 was that it at least gave you information, it parsed out the mystery with perfect timing. We found out that Wells was the reverse flash in episode 9 but didn't find out he was Thawne until episode 17 i think. I thought the last season was a bit of a stinker, it was nothing compared to

yeah Caitlin deserved better than this!..to be relegated to being the C or maybe D villain of the season when she should have been the primary antagonist. To have Barry come back from flashpoint and wait suddenly Caitlin has powers!!..because..reasons!..she is evil..because!!..reasons!. what a bunch of BS!. Savitar