
I see the show must have shed a few viewers, I jumped on to the board of the previous episode (I had just finished watching all 4 episodes, in a row) and found all the comments to be "I don't feel emotionally invested" or "the premise is ridiculous or too fantastical", to that I say "really??!". I haven't read the

I thought it made quite a lot of sense actually. They are basically slaves right?. so they basically attack the body part that caused or is instrumental to the offence. For example, Janine sneered at the Aunt and then swore, the prime offense was looking down on them, so they took out her eye "If my right eye offends

Yeah I never got into Shield, I watched the first season and thought it was boring. I did hear it gets better though. I watched a couple scenes with Ghost Rider and he looked awesome.

yeah that makes sense. I'm conflicted on the "Betty being the killer" theory, for the same reasons you have about Cheryl. I don't want either to leave the show. I feel like they may be pulling a long term plan with Betty, and eventually make her more crazy as the series progresses, a Riverdale version of Norman Bates

whoops!, yeah I mean't Rene.

Hey your right!..all the other murder mysteries in television: Rosie Larsen, Laura Palmer, Lilly Kane. I actually can't think of a show where the murder mystery is a guy. This show is really quite progressive.

I have been thinking the twincest angle since it was mentioned. Maybe Cheryl had already found out Jason had got Poly pregnant, freaked out, contacted Jason, they get into a fight, clearly upset and hurt and in a moment of anger she lashes out, kills him. Maybe she calls one of her parents, Hal (could be the mother

only if they have Rene realizing he is Bi, if they make him completely gay I will be pissed off, because its such a cop out. They do it all the time..its about time they stopped it.

I know!!, that's why it pissed me off that they did nothing about it!.I was thinking "why did they even think about doing this?..theyre never gonna follow it through", it was certainly a missed opportunity.

Whats AIDA?

you mean like they would never go there with Alex on supergirl?. Especially considering that they have now brought the idea to forefront, I wouldn't be surprised if that was a easter egg for season six. Especially considering, they said that if they use the flashbacks next season, it will be to explore the other

Curtis has indeed been growing on me, especially with the later half of the season, but I still prefer Dinah better, in the few episodes she has been, she feels way more fleshed out than Curtis ever was.

maybe a plot for next season perhaps?..sowing the seeds?. I honestly never thought about it either!, but I gotta say I am intrigued!

and that switching the power off can kill the inhabitants inside, that there is especially bad design, its like chase is thinking "wow!, I don't have to do anything!, just shut the power off and they kill themselves!..and I reap the benefits! mwhwhahwa"

oh yeah!..I saw bits of the scene of Talia and Nyssa facing off in the promo trailer, I so can't wait for that, that scene looks awesome! (the lighting in that scene especially is cool!).

I vaguely remember that, for memory, William went through the whole event not knowing it was a kidnapping, he was playing with Dhark's retarded daughter right?.

"groans"..the last thing I want is for William to join the team and become the "connor" of the show.

luckily we only have a few episodes left!..last season, William was a bad omen, the instant the mother came in and mentioned the kid, the show sank faster than the titanic.

Wait..you saw last season with the Havenrock incident right!??..the incident that in a real world should have put the entire city into martial law and militerized everything, but ended up being..ten thousand people die..at least Felicity feels bad about it!..you think a show with that kind of security has heard of

This season is already "Oliver and Company", the worst thing we could do is bring a Scrappy doo into the fold!.