
and it was co-written by Wendy Mericle!, the one responsible for the Olicity fiasco in the first place!..double miracle!.

No chance on the Sara department, but we do know that Thea is definitely coming back for the season finale at least. I liked this episode, it featured the Olicity I thought they were going to portray them as (a cute couple), before season 3 destroyed my dream entirely and made them so lame I would rather watch Bush

nope, they say he isn't dead.

Buckingham palace disagrees with you.

Funny huh!, I mention Arrow season 3 and 4 and this episode goes back to that well!. I thought Stephen Amell was particularly great in this episode, I think as the reviewer said, it did quite a good job resolving some of the shows issues, especially with Felicity. I was quite prepared for this episode because I saw a

Is anyone else feeling Cecile as a character?, because I sure as hell ain't!. I liked the scenes with Anne Dudek and H.R (though they did feel backdoor pilot-ish so it came as no surprise that she was revealed to be a regular next season-a possible Caitlin stand in), the reveal admitidely was surprising and the

I didn't think I would be saying this about a DC show but I do think supergirl could do well with a darker edge. The best episodes of this season of Supergirl (well my favourite anyway) was the one we just had "Alex" and the red kryptonite episode. it could still be campy and funny but just have a slight edge to it.

exactly!, so you have a bunch of people gaining abilities that make them good or evil, for no other reason than- the plot demands it.

Then why are you here?..if you are commenting on a board, about a film that is by your definition for "fucking idiots", doesn't that make you by definition a "fucking idiot" for being here in the first place?.

It kind of makes sense if you add in what future Barry said in that message on the waverider (from 2056) when he says that his constant traveling between past and future has screwed up time. He said "when you get back, trust nobody, including me".

to be fair, Supergirl hasn't had a truly great season yet..so I doubt it could sink any lower on a season 3. Season 3 maybe when that show really becomes great, and legends..well its lower episode order does bode well for it and unless they suddenly give it a massive romantic plot tumor like the other shows, I'm not

Shhh!!..Its on the secret menu!..which explains nothing, its like, who other than her know of this secret menu and what determines that someone learns of it?.. did they just get borred of their drink..complain about it and the barista says "don't say anything, but there is a secret menu!" (flips the blackboard).

because they come from love!..honestly I laughed when Julian said that to Cisco. "your powers come from a source of good..from a source of love"..its like how does he know this!? and ..well I guess Caitlin's screwed!…why..because…reasons!.

exactly!, especially with the fact that they have only 3 episodes of Dark Barry now!. This is wasted potential to the fullest. Why not stretch Grants acting chops and have him go full on psychotic villain for half a season!?..that would have been amazing. You think they would have learned last season when people said

That was a long pause!!..that's more like "I am the future…flash" which is confirmed by dark Barry "like I told you from the beginning, I am the future flash".

I forgot about that scene myself..but I was seriously confused by the amount of people who said, "he said I am the future, flash!" when it was plane and clear that he said "I am the future flash".

So much hate for this film!?. I thought it was better than the first film. Sure the whole thing about the group coming together was awesome, but the villain was terrible and sucked the life out of the film..almost every scene a part from the ending, carried no emotional weight. Whereas this entire film was about

What a strange episode!. I really liked the final reveal, but everything leading up to it was..really boring and unfocused. I know its a popular theory, Barry being Savatar, but I truly thought they wouldn't go there, so it did catch me off guard. But that scene leading up to the reveal (3 minutes of flashbacks that

You got to admit though, its quite the "out of left field" theory. Sure, Barry has been a dick for the whole series and everyone else has been seeing how villainous he is. But quite often in these shows, the writers fail to see that. The build up was horrid, the pacing has been awful (thats putting it mildly), and the

really? a bubbly scientist..just as Caitlin goes rogue as Killer Frost, they bring this lady into the fold and she is going to be a series regular..that doesn't strike you as odd?. If Caitlin does come back into the fold, with this lady around..that's pretty crowded!.