
I haven't seen a "it was all a dream" subplot in years..I hope it stays that way. Yeah the writers of all the shows need to start getting more creative with the villains other using than using them as a cheap reflection of the protagonist. They better have the whole fourth season be about a non speedster or ill be

Yeah because they never do that in the other shows. They don't have the big bads in supergirl be evil aliens, or evil ninja's who sling Arrows in Arrow or evil time travelers in legends..

as long as they don't pull a sliders and Barry comes back as a girl!.

so..she is what exactly…a Caitlin replacement??…so Caitlin will always be the evil killer frost now?..I don't know how I feel about that.

Yeah this reveal is VERY timey whimey..BUT..in its defense, I am just so glad it was none of the other possibilities (HR, Wally,Jay). this one was a pure geek theory come true, It caught me off guard (but thats because I forgot about the future flash line. at the time, it made me think barry was savatar). Atleast its

He is..without a doubt, my favorite Wells of the series so far…when they replace him next season..it better be cowboy Wells!.

Yeah they are a year late with this one. I so wanted Zoom to be a alternate/future Barry..too bad they gave the shows best line to Zoom "I am the fastest man alive!". Because that would have been a better line for Savitar than "I am the future flash!".

for memory he only said it once, because I actually forgot he said that, it was much earlier in the season. So I was still surprised by it, though I would have been more surprised if they didn't do the 3 minute recap tour into Barry's head.

I see, do you have a link to the article where you read that from as I very much would like to read that. That's good, just speaking for myself but I felt that, Not/Grundy was the only plot in the show that didn't work..so glad they got rid of her. It was only when she left that Archie started to become a interesting

Oh that would be hilarious! (your hope of a Legends crossover), with Sarah checking out Alex and she has no clue that Sarah is in to her, but Maggie..she is experienced!..she knows the look!, I could imagine her going over to Sarah "ah..just where about's do you think your looking?..back off!".

yeah sure, because the Flash has been..really amazing this season. At the moment, Supergirl is a over average show with moments of greatness. Its writing can get muddled but I get the sense that they're trying to figure out what this show is.Since the move to the CW, season 2 has felt like a reboot of sorts. Sure,

wow really!?..you mean I have posted 400 comments?..whoah!. Yeah its been a blast!, at least I had someone to at least talk about the end of the show with!. and with the show itself.

Season 1 was 100 times worse..I think a lot of people look at season 1 with Rose Tinted glasses because its saving grace was Cat grant, she grounded the show when every plot had gone off the rails.

This is interesting, because when I watched the scene I thought that was the route they were going to go. I hadn't read the book but from the tone of the first episode, it didn't feel that big of a leap. But when it comes to character, I too thought, just from that episode that Shadow wouldn't do that and I was saying

Good!, hope to see you on the Riverdale chat for that episode! It will be interesting, having a first timer, have their first episode will be seeing the reveal of the season long mystery. If you do get the opportunity, do watch the rest of the season before that, the important thing is that the murder mystery is

agreed! The brilliance of season 4 is how well it sows the seeds for the divergence of the Psycho material in season 5 (for example, his stay at the psychiatric facility with Dr Edwards was instrumental in his awakening of the truth about "mother" in 5 because he remembered what Dr Edwards said to him, thus him being

Well it is interesting to see the development of Romero too!, in many ways season 4 and 5 was great for Romero, because he is the most animated that you see him in the entire show!. In the first 3 seasons, he is basically as Norma says it! "you smiled!, I thought your face was paralyzed!". Yeah there are some who say

Yay it worked!. Good idea!. Oh if your only going to watch from the next episode, that will be interesting!. Because episode 12 is when we will find out who killed Jason Blossom. But it should be easy to catch on whats happening. Basically, Jughead is writing a novel on the death of Jason and he narrates each episode.

It wasn't a time replacement, I re watched the pilot just recently and the first time Archie meets the pussycats, there is a beat where Val gives him the biggest smile out of the three of them, indicating that she is in to him.

this is ridiculous!..I saw your new post but that got deleted too!. what is going on!
This is just my view, after seeing the whole series. "Mother" would come to the surface when Norman is in trouble or stressed, especially at the beginning of the series anyway. The worse things got for Norman, the more "mother" took