
your post disappaired again!! that moderator doesn't like you..what is going on!. oh well I get your messages to thats all that matters here.

I got your last comment in my email, but its not showing up in the comment section for some reason, the moderator deleted it??..why??. I will respond to your questions now.

Yeah that's right!, when I responded to your question, I had JUST finished the final episode! (and nope!..no skipping!) I had to look back at my comments to calculate it….wow!!…I binged the entire series in 5 days!. I was halfway through season 2 when the final episode aired, from that point on, I watched 2 and the

It does. That is the same motel room that Caleb slept in, in season 2. There was a particular scene when the mother personality took complete control and attacked Caleb. In that scene, the red lights were on completely, lighting up the room. My interpretation, this signified that "mother" had started to take full

Well, that isn't really a fault of Perkins part, that was the story Hitchcock was telling. He didn't want you to feel sorry for him. He wanted you to fear him, be intimidated by him. That image in the end of the film when he smiles and they super impose his face with a skull, that tells me that Hitchcock doesn't want

Holly shit!! your right!..nice catch!, I went back to that episode to check and yup..its her!!. They have a lot of tiny call backs like that in this season, such as the woman that nursed Romero back to health was Keith's sister. Or that the room that Dylan was staying in the "Kings motel" is the exact same room that

Interesting, this is just what I took from it. But when he said "I think I did kill her", I took it as that he is finally acknowledging that it was him who killed her, he had been saying that she killed herself for so long that even when he realized that she was dead and "mother" was a figment, he still believed that

Yeah I know that Caitlyn was Killer frost in the comics and that they made her good for the show. But what annoyed me is the show never explained why she became it. Its like she just goes mad and becomes a psychopath because..reasons?.
Yeah Legends was the one show where it actually got better the more absurd it got.

I liked this episode all the way up until Chick dying. Sure it was a little funny when his head landed on the type writer with a "ding" but still…thats a wasted character for a cheep joke. That would have been amazing if he ended up writing a book based on Norman but noo!..that have to fuck it all up for a bloody

I really hope so, because as you say this will be a filler season, almost all of the plots this season have been quite sloppy tbh, especially Killer Frost.We all knew it was going to happen at some point but this season hasn't been kind to Caitlin. She has had a couple cool Killer Frost episodes, a kinda-okay, sorta

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I remember thinking that too. Yes that is most likely true. Because that is a really on the nose foreshadowing and they did the same thing last season with Hunter Zolomon and the earth 1 version sitting on the park bench like a dam Seagull or something. I well and truly thought that it

There is a good reason why they changed Marions death. They have already done it. What people most likely don't realize and have forgotten, is that they already did the true "Bates Motel" version of Marion's death, two seasons ago. It was Bradley Martin. Some fans may have hated her, but she was truly a lost and

I would agree with that assessment if this show had started with being a adaption of the source material, adapting directly from Block and Hitchcock's interpretation of the character. But since the show is really its own thing, with the first four seasons being more of a dark drama, I find it hard to see how you could

It depends on how you see things. I think the problem is, the majority of fans of "Psycho" are judging this show by the tone of that film. Whereas this is more or less a reinterpretation of that story. Both versions have to be judged on their own terms, because they are each a product of their time. The original is a

Well…the drug storyline mostly ended in season 2 with the all out war between Ford and Zane. Season 3…it wasn't really a drug plot at all…it was mostly about Caleb and the beginning of the relationship between Dylan and Emma. For the first half of the season the subplot was a bore, with a boring back and forth between

For some reason I found that tombstone to be pretty hilarious, because you have all this stuff written for Norma and then it comes to Norman (1995-). Its like well!..they don't need to do much for Norman when he dies, just put some numbers on the already made tombstone and tada!..done. Though it was probably Norman

Couldn't agree more!, I love HR!, he is amazing..and I'll say it!..he is my favourite Wells, even more than Harry. Sure I loved the grumpiness of Harry but just how caring HR is…which brings me to my greatest fear..if he is revealed to be Savatar, I'm so tunning out! I will be so mad.

The difference is that, legends and Supergirls first seasons were pretty mediocre. There was some great stuff in them, but there was a lot more bad stuff..Arrow hit its stride pretty quick actually..it began as a Dark Knight saga rip off (with the horrid voice over!) and really found itself by around episode six or

These days, its not hard to blow the Flash out of the water. Even Supergirl is fairing better than the Flash. It better live up to the "OMG!' of the Savatar reveal that they are teasing relentlessly otherwise, if it sinks that one, it will be the final nail in the season 3 coffin.

Your right it really does hit its stride then! (I didn't want to reply to your message until after I finished the fourth season, which I just did). I feel so drained!, the end was soo sad!!. I'm a emotional wreck!. Highmore and Farmiga are so amazing..but I do say..they retroactively ruined my favourite scene in the