
true. I do have to admit that the writing on Norma did become more nuanced and not as on the nose starting from season 2.

If that is true then that is a good point. I always loved Sawyers lines, so he does get a plus for that, and he isn't even trying to hide the fact that Holloway's character on Colony is basically Sawyer (Holloway plays the character exactly as he did in the flash sideways in season six when he was a cop). Do you know

Exactly!, I half expected Snart to appear "so now is the time to do a bad guy monologue!?". Which while pointing the gun and saying "it isn't personal" may not quite qualify as one, it may as well have been.

So..how far through the second book are we in the show now?..without giving anything away.

It felt very cheesy. Like you said, they spent to much of the episode building up to her getting the suit, to throw it in during Naomi's big speach, it really threw me off. The slow motion of Draper fighting the guards and then ending in a "come with me if you want to live" kind of way. they should have had her fight

you mean Adam Savage.

Yes!, I had the same problem!..I watched half of silence of the lambs when I was a teenager, but I turned it off, it was too creepy, I did watch some of the Hannibal movie later on too..I liked Hopkins performance but Hannibal isn't a great film. I ended up watching all of silence after watching all seasons of

That's why I no longer trust shows that are produced by Carlton Cuse, I thought "wow, by one of the main writers of LOST!, it has to be good!". After watching Bates and Colony, it has became clear to me that Lindelof was the better writer of the two. He understands character and how to tell a story in a very deep way.

that is true. I was really amazed that they renewed it for a third season. So its quite amazing that, even though he hasn't managed to adapt Silence yet. He basically adapted everything else. I love how he changed the order and turned everything we knew about the show upside down. I wasn't even a big fan of Hannibal

Yeah I'm still mad that Fuller isn't able to do what Bates Motel is currently doing. Catching up to the source material and doing their own version of the story that the show was previously a prequel to (Silence of the Lambs/Psycho). Though I don't blame Bates Motel in anyway for Hannibal's cancellation.

Its where the writers have a very strange idea on what people want to see and what is entertaining. Its kinda like how Zac Snyder said during a old watchmen interview that Christopher Nolan's Batman movies weren't dark. He said "you never saw Batman get raped in prison!'…and why would people want to see

So the show becomes less Twin Peaks-ish by season 3 then?. I will say I did think Dylan and Emily worked as characters as well, except for when Dylan's story got involved in the drug part, some of it, though I will say that season 2 was a huge step up from season 1 and the drug storyline no where near annoyed me like

sounds great!, unfortunately I don't live in the U.S so that doesn't apply to me.

The problem with it is that it did two things, the sex story line served to give us a little fake out on to whether Norman is crazy at that stage and was hallucinating or not, the other thing is it just made the entire town and story, very wacky. It showed in a ham fisted way that Norma gets into relationships with

I think its impossible for her not to, her house looks like it was designed by Hannibal (her room alone has a design that would make Bryan Fuller proud). In fact, if she met him, she probably would join him and eat the rude as well.

That's good then, I do want to get back to it, because that final scene in season 2, with Norman cheating the lie detector with true foreshadowing to the Norman he would eventually become was so incredible that I do had high hopes to when he gets to that point, which is in season 3? or 4?.

So this is as good as anytime to ask, considering the show is almost over. Is it worth watching?. I watched up to episode 2 of season 3, but was so sick of the really stupid story lines, like the sex slave story and characters that come and go with no coherence as to why they were there in the first place. Does it get

because season 1 is depressing,it felt like the woman mirrored the tone of that season and the other two were trying to stay away from her, which mirrors season 2 and 3, because the characters are trying to avoid being depressed.

That's why I found the opening of the season that was set in 1844 to be quite funny. You have this woman walking up the road to that church with all the bodies in it, dressed like a member of the guilty remnant. You had that guy with his son whom had the appearance like they wanted nothing to do with her. Following

That is a very rare opinion. Many are of the view that season 1 was flawed (with many quitting halfway through s1) and that season 2 was a masterpiece. I loved season 1, but I do admit, it was flawed (way too much time spent on storylines that went nowhere, such as the dogman and the time lapses, and the guilty