
I especially remember that part like it was yesterday, the boy whom grabbed the supersoaker off me and held me down (until I calmed down) said "I wish you just punched me in the head rather than spray me with Coffee!" in a very straight faced, very annoyed way.

The later scenes with Tyler Downs (hoarding the guns) seems like setting the scene for a second season (and I really don't want to see a "13 reasons why Tyler Downs went columbine" season). I actually enjoyed the rock climbing scenes and the parts with Clay wrestling over the tapes. They're both in line with their

Thank you, and in case you were wondering, the weapon I used to attack my bullies that day was…a SuperSoaker (watergun) filled with ice coffee!.

Oh absolutely, I thought about it once when I was in high school, I got really upset, there were some kids that bullied me and I was at a point where I just had enough, I fought back and they subdued me and the weapon that I attacked said Bullies with. I then ran off, out of the school grounds and across the road, I

I would say a B+ to a A-. The first seven episodes are a little slow at times and have there moments when things could have sped up, but overall I found it really interesting, and the second half is really gripping stuff. The lead performances especially by Dylan Minnette and Katherine Langford are incredible. I think

Oh yeah!, I forgot about that movie!, yeah it does in a way…but this show actually reminded me of a 2003 documentary called "Kill me if you can". About two teenage boys, it starts off as a typical "one boy stabs the other" case, and then becomes so much more than that. If I hadn't seen this documentary, I probably

To be fair, she did create the first 12 after being raped so I don't think her state of mind would be really all that sane, she was probably full of so much hate and malice that she just thought of the most cruel way to get back at everyone who wronged her. But there is a argument to be made that she is just a very

Oh yeah, absolutely!, because Iron Fist is such a..great show!.

That makes sense in context to some reveals later in the season. Hannah gave Tony a hefty burden by leaving him the caretaker of the tapes. She dropped them off at his doorstep before she committed suicide, he saw her drop them off but he didn't want to go outside and talk to her because he found her to be too much of

The only problem I had with the Suicide scene really, was changing it from Jay Asher's original depiction of Hannah's death (which was her Overdosing on pills). The problem with this is, women tend to use less lethal methods of suicide and though its wrist slitting is depicted as the popular method of suicide among

Yeah that is when its at its most teen-angsty, It gets better in the next episode and from eight to thirteen, there isn't a scene wasted…but I do admit, there is that lull that I can see why some (such as yourself) dropped it early on.

Being a avid binge watcher myself, I know what you mean, but I thought the show was quite clever in what it was portraying, it essentially grabbed a lot of scenes that you see for classic tv dramas and turned them on their head, The school dance in episode six is a classic example, it felt like something out of

I think that is why I really liked the finale, because, well the way I took it is that none of the characters would have met eachother if it wasn't for the island (and Jacob, but that is the island by proxy anyway since he is connected to it). But I do wish that was hammered home a bit more. Them meeting on a church

Oh absolutely!, overall for memory, I always found 1 and 2 more entertaining, but 3 was always the more plausible one. 1 and 2 had a larger than life quality to them, its like the guy who wrote the script was a big fan of silent films and combined that with a looney tunes cartoon, Harry and Marv were basically Coyote

I vaguely remember that!, for memory she spends the first thirty minutes talking about how beautiful Africa is and how it was a amazing experience and that she is glad to have went there. Then all this bad stuff happens and its like..and why was it amazing exactly?.

OMG!!..I forgot I watched that in cinema's!..everyone was talking about how amazing it was!!..the credits appeared and I was still looking for the amazing..never found it.

I dreamed of Africa!
It was a special screening, I was about 13 in this old Cinema that had bus seats and a screen held up by chains (it was a community theater). Went with a friend and we were driven by a family friend, waiting for this special movie (they never mentioned what the name of it was, it was a surprise).

I loved that movie as a kid! (Death Becomes Her) it was so over the wall and silly I half expected Bruce to turn into a superhero half way through the film!, instead everyone turned into super villains!

He did indeed!, I had to look it up in Astonishment!, he wasn't a big fan at all of 1 and 2. Gave 1 a 2 and a half star out of four and 2 a 2 star. Than he gave 3 a 3 star!. He gave it a very low recommendation though, still recommending it for kids only "not to grownups unless they are having a very silly day". He

DENTAL PLAN! Australia needs braces!.