
..just watching the first 2 minutes of it, then flicking through it…it looks like a old porno with all the sex scenes cut out, like a eighties version of a "xxx Archie parody".

The "save Iris" arc has sunk it into Arrow season 4 territory. ..its a 100% yes from me.

That is such a true statement for good and bad, (Archie truly has become the Dawson of the show, from what I see in the comments, just like that character, Archie is the most hated or ridiculed in the show, he is at least called out for being a idiot in almost every episode..and he kinda is..but he doesn't piss me off

Interesting!, I forgot about that moment so I re watched that episode and found something remarkably fascinating. See one thing a friend of mine loved about Cold's voice was that he always felt the character was purposely putting it on as a coping mechanism, a way of creating someone larger than himself to make him

Oh yeah!, I need to get back to "The Americans" that is definitely a clever show. I've already seen 24 (hence the comparison as that show seriously went off the rails too, granted it took 5 seasons to get there, though it wasn't without its warning signs: Cougar moments and anything to do with Kim). I watched 4

So season 4 and 5 aren't good?.

That is mainly the second half of the season which dramatically improved once "Henry Gale" came in to it. The first half had too many plots that could have been condensed. There was a entire episode featuring Sawyer and Michael on a raft. Three episodes dedicated to Locke, Jack and Kate getting in to the hatch and

Okay so what I actually meant was it sounded like season six of the show has jumped the shark again (I seriously doubt that the show in any case could be as unwatchable as season 3, even a defender such as yourself could surely see that season had issues). I did mention in another post (since after reading the

I did that!, I made someone whom never watched a episode at all of Buffy to watch The Body and the results were spectacularly bad. He was confused, thought it was melodramatic and overwrought and didn't like it at all.

TERRIBLE IDEA!!. The constant is great I agree, but do you believe that a random could actually watch that episode without knowing anything?. Its not just the timey whimey stuff about time travel but a huge part of the emotional investment in the constant is because we have known desmond for over a season now and have

these idiots still exist!? seriously!?. You would think that anyone with half a brain would figure that because its a popular tv show they had to keep making them until they had the go ahead to finish it. Not even anime fans are this whiny!.

I agree, to use his words. His opinions were nothing but "schlock, pure and simple".

okay so your a fan and this is not a balanced review, I do want a balanced review. I stopped watching the show after season 3 (which I thought was a terrible season of television) and I do want to jump back in. Is it worth it? and is this season any good?.

The difference is that The Walking Dead never had a brilliant first season (it had a brilliant pilot, and that was about it), this one did. I knew it was going to go off the rails though considering Howard Gordon of 24 fame is showrunner, I knew it would go off the rails really fast (it only took a season!, season 2

Its quite the irony considering Lindelof went right back to the afterlife in season 2 of the Leftovers and its considered one of the most acclaimed seasons of television (and the episode that involved the afterlife entirely is one of the shows most critically acclaimed).

really?.I wasn't quite sure what the fail safe key actually did. So that was the nuke?.

Oh dammit!, I checked out this article and was thinking about binging it and now I know Connie Brittens character dies!..they could have atleast spoiler tagged the article. oh well.

Exactly, season 2 pissed me off more than anything season six did. "What happened to Jack wanting to start a army!"? totally forgot about in the next episode. "Oh there is Micheal screaming for Walt for the 100th time". "more and more of the tail section survivors dying!..that was a waste of time". but I love how

I agree, people love to complain about the ending and yes there are some answered questions, bad episodes (everyone complains about the Jack tattoo episode as the worst, its actually the two parter where Sawyer steels the guns and turns into a dick for no reason and Charlie tries to drown Aaron for no reason and hurts

do you mean "new man in charge"?. Yeah that didn't explain much either, we already knew about the polar bear stuff and the stuff to do with the pregnancy problem (that the drilling into the electromagnetism in 1977 is what caused women to become infertile). I did find it funny, learning that the food dumps came from a