
Not sure about that, sure the Angel finale was good, but the Buffy series finale sucked.

I also love the lost finale. I know it, you know it!.

Okay, lets say that your take happened (considering the writers have gone on record to say that everything I just said was true, that the flash sideways are the afterlife). What is the purpose of this alternate timeline then?..doesn't that completely invalidate all the events on the island?. I'm just trying to

The cut on his neck he got from his fight with the man in black. Demond doesn't properly travel between timelines until episode 10, halfway through the development of the Sideways timeline. Before then he is oblivious as the next person, until his consciousness goes to his afterlife self.

okay then, then how come Desmond is on the plane, and what is up with the cut on Jacks neck?. The nuke itself would have been a time paradox and that itself makes no scientific sense, if they somehow manage to rewrite time. The nuke explosion is what caused everything in the first place. If Juliet didn't blow up the

what they actually said was "we promise that they are not dead. That the events on the island have happened".

That said, him being in the sideways shows already that at some point he did die, which indicates that he gave the role to someone else after a while. but yes the counter argument is Desmond whom is basically a living beacon of time, he is connected to the source, the intermediate between life and death.

They tied it up in a way that spoke to characters. They wanted to explore the question "what happens after you die". The show spends a lot of time exploring themes of Life, Death and Rebirth in a way that is more Buddhist than Christian. This isn't new to the series, especially when you had the Egyptian statue of

true, past, present and future all happening at the same time kind of thing. but if you wanted to give it a timeline then you would say it was long after, considering its after EVERYONE died. Which means Hugo, Ben, Clare,Kate and Sawyer could have lived for another 40-50 years.

How long after do you think it takes place then?

When he died on the island? no. yes he was in the flash sideways (which are actually "flashfowards" they take place long after the events on the island have transpired).

It absolutely astounds me the amount of people I have to literally walk through with them what the ending meant, because the response was "oh yeah that show with the ending where they were revealed to be all dead!, all along!". It reminds me of that Verge interview where Damon Lindeloff is talking to this goofy guy

I also thought the finale was amazing. I had a few problems with season six of LOST but the finale wasn't one of them. Its interesting too, I watched the season with a friend of mine and he figured out the "flash sideways" half way through the season!. I said "okay, we are now half way through the finale..what is

Yeah exactly!..it wasn't a complete bust..there was Bernard. Still, I do wish that Kate had that backstory instead of Rose (the original intention was that Kate was going to be the one whom lost her husband in the tail section, they changed her backstory because they wanted to give her more of a roguish story and

Season 3 is one of my favourite seasons especially for those episodes mentioned. I thought the entire Charlie/Desmond arc was incredible..everyone seems to forget..season 2 wasn't that good!..even if you liked the Eko episodes, the season finale and the rose and bernard scenes. there were way too many plots that went

You make some really good points, the narration was what I found to be one of the most fascinating aspects of the show. It was one thing that really made me ask "what is it that would make someone leave, not a suicide note, but basically a suicide narrative! before they commit suicide" (also do make sure you have

I really felt for her at first..but as they began pealing back the layers, I began to realize just how oblivious she was over the needs of her daughter. Hannah never said it, but there is one scene that really stood out to me. It plays it cool and feels like a really small scene, but this scene in my mind could have

maybe you have seen better pharmacists than I have, but the ones I usually see around the place are basically autistic nerds that spend the entire day hoarding pills into box's with hardly any expression on their face or sign of life in their eyes. If he was a counselor or a psychologist, or even a psychiatrist, I

and now she is a series regular…yay! (I loved "the best friend" Peyton panel that they snuck into the intro too!, its a nice little add on that basically says that she is sticking around).

Its kind of a continuation of the conflict that Slade Wilson brought to the table in season 2. Back in Lian Yu Oliver chose to stab slade in the eye rather than give him the mirakuru cure. I would argue that this is the first true hint of Olivers dexter-ish blood lust that the show points out (quite well) this season.