
Agreed, the pilot blew me away. It was emotional and exhilarating, but it also contained the shows biggest red flag. Foreshadowing what became the shows biggest flaw (well especially in the first few seasons). The fact that Rick Grimes (an otherwise okay chraracter but still a generic, vanilla protagonist) looked

watching five minutes of David Grossman speaking is enough to show why the police are so trigger happy too. Some of my favourites are "you are the sheep dogs! and everyone else is the sheep" and "every time you see a fire hydrant, you think of your duty, that you should carry a weapon on you all the time, that you

besides the obvious no…you could fire the entire writing staff and bring in another show runner..good luck with that.

ugh!, you stopped watching after the premiere!..that is a dreadful final memory!..the second episode "the well" is better a better final memory!..unfortunately..my final episode was the third episode, which was all about Daryl being tortured by Christian Fail (Dwight)…it wasn't good.

They did a episode where they went to a research facility that tried (and failed) to understand what the virus is. It wasn't good, and it will be the closest explanation we will get. For memory, robert kirkman said that he never intends to answer where the virus came from. Since he is a producer on the show, I assume

From the top of my head, Buffy and Supernatural are the only, that I can think of (humorous to think of Supernatural, considering that is the male version of Buffy in basically every way). Buffy's first season was quite terrible, the second season had a notable increase in budget, what was notable about Buffy though

Yeah I liked how they stopped using him as a standard Doctor Who stand in. I feel like he became more of a three dimensional character this season, I remember reading how some reviewers (I think it may have been this one?) that thought his cake making stint in the last episode was out of character, I disagree. If

Oh absolutely!, one of my favourite shows. I think the show is brilliant (except for season 2, the murder plot was well acted and had some great moments and the intention was there, its all the other plots of that season that brought it down).

That was the part that made me mad, that was when he started to put words in her mouth, make assumptions and ask leading questions. In doing so he lead her to question her own memory of events. He tried to force quick and easy answers out of her, but the state she was in, he basically caused a system shut down right

You do make a good point and that is exactly why when a Arrowverse show does something that would logistically affect all the shows, it loses a bit of the excitement for me because I know that the chances of them actually going through with it are slim to none. Not that I would be complaining if they did that, is it

I agree, the Flash has seriously disappointed me this season. It started promising..well no scratch that, it started disappointing (with the first two episodes were really quite a bore) then it got better, I loved how they were explaining the Barry and Iris relationship, making it fun!. Then they introduce Savitar and

I was actually quite horrified by the scene you described and its implications. Taken on its own I see what you mean, but I saw the bigger picture, that her entire suicide was caused by objectification. First she is viewed as a object (from the photo). Then she is specifically objectified in which body part others

That really shocked me!. Was the really indication previously that Alex was going to do this?..I can't remember. I vaguely remember him sitting in his room, motionless. I was thinking that, maybe Tyler already got to him.

fucken Lumberjack..I swear..who the hell decides to end a great show with the protagonist becoming a Lumberjack!..oh that's right!..Scott Buck!!..ugh!! "goes back to watching Ketchup passing through paper towels" aah thats better!.

More thought has probably gone into this comment section than every script of TWD.

Any Flash fans around?…what is better, season 7 of the walking dead or season 3 of the Flash?.

I have yet to watch Justified. You recommend watching the entire show?..nothing that is skip worthy?.

and people hate the flash this season (I also think it has dipped in quality)..I think it will be a long time till it gets as bad as this show. I honestly enjoyed season 3 and 4 of Arrow better than season 1-3 of the walking dead! (ugh, Lori!, Shane!, Young Coral!) and possibly better than season four to six of

Soo glad I'm not the only one feeling that!, I love Jeffrey Dean Morgan!, loved him in Supernatural as Daddy Warbuc..Ahem..Winchester. Loved him in Greys anatomy where as Danny..now he is Negan and I was so over him after the first episode!..he made Casper Crumps Vandel savage look like a pretty decent character in

What, you think he is just going to turn into "the end" that old guy from metal gear solid 3, where if you change the settings on your ps2, he dies of old age..soo Negan is gonna lean in to do a bad guy monologue and just..drop dead…glorious!.