
Chase almost feels like the Arrow version of twoface to me!. he is so fun, I think he is amazing. I was actually surprised how much the went through with Oliver being depressed, I knew they wouldnt have gone the Buffy route (full blown sorrow and depression for half a season!) but I was still impressed that they had

I still like the flash, but this season especially has had some really bad pacing issues (even compared to Supergirl which also has pacing issues, I would argue this season of Flash is worse than that show so far) and now its got a Arrow (season 3-4) problem. Using death as drama, s3 did it with Sara and 4 with the

Completely Agree, Josh Segara is a REALLY good actor!, the way he can flip on a dime, from anger to envy to sadness and then twist enjoyment, it really has been so fun to watch. Before the reveal, I too thought he was Vigilante, but the Harvey Dent mannerisms really much more sense in hindsight. Slade was great, but

Sounds about right..just turn him into the Flash version of Tobi, (a character from Naruto Shippuden, took ages to find out his identity, by the time the reveal happened, the foreshadowing was laid on so thick, everything felt like marking time till they got on with it and moved the plot on already).

What does that say about the Flash then!?…"when the Flash is at its most terrible..it goes on a one month break..meh who cares!".

"I used to be a Vigilante like you, but then I took an Arrow in the knee".

Actually we have..not once in that episode did he "suit up" as the green arrow (he got rid of the suit entirely by the end of the episode, saying "I'm not ready to be that just yet"), we may not even see him use the uniform until the season finale (because that would be a sight to behold, to have him finally accepting

OMG!, I should have seen it!, yes he does look Hanson-looking!..ugh!. I watched about 4 episodes of the Shannara chronicles just out of amusement. Hanson especially, his dialogue was AWFUL!, and when it was time for him to empathize with someone in a dreadful "I feel your pain!" speech, He comes across looking like he

LMAO!. I would watch that!, but the episode would have to be black and white otherwise it defeats the purpose (it kinda makes me wish that Japanese episode in the shogun period of Legends was in black and white, it would cover that episodes flaws..because that episode really annoyed me, it was small things you usually

Its actually deeper then that, Buffy walks in completely different worlds to Riley, it is because she exists in the grey, she is one with the world he spent a big part of his life fighting. Riley as a character is quite flat and boring (and the actor does the best he can with it, I actually quite liked his dark turn

okay then, so what do you see what you want to see in Mon El?

Yeah I am enjoying it!, thanks!. the flash made a few writing decisions that almost made me want to flat out quit. Just that they have silly writing decisions and a whole lack of foresight. ..yeah James is a bitter pill..and there is a lot in season 1 that is hard to slog through. Yeah season 2 has its haters, its

Disagree with the episode ranking here, a B?..more like a A-…the last episode which was ranked quit high, I thought was a B, this was just such a fun episode!.

"Really!, now's the time for a bad guy monologue!".

Yeah that is why I always thought that the Legends characters had not thrown I do wish they had added a bit about that too, It did feel like this reviewer forgot about the Chronos arc though, because that is how Mick staying with the Legends was understandable, the chronos arc built that foundation and essentially

That is what I was thinking!, (Felicity haters will love this)..I'm not one of them, I will say that, that is the first time they have managed to successfully pull off a dark haired Felicity!, her teen dark haired look (first seen in the Arrow episode titled "The secretly ridiculous origins of Felicity Smoak") was

Ah ..heroes!..how glorious were those future episodes!..filled with wonder!, future Hiro with a samurai sword!..so much creativity!.. then how big the disappointment .to see all that creativity come crashing down once the intelligence (Bryan Fuller) had left the building.

The one that everyone heralded as a devil wears Prada rip off?…Yeah I remember the controversy surrounding that! (wow that feels like so long ago..wait yeah it was!, it was when the show was still on CBS). The hilarious thing about that in hindsight is that trailer heavily focused on Kara's interactions with Cat Grant

Don't agree with the CW-character comment, because if that is the case, you could say that about all the shows!. I think it has moments of brilliance, its first season is really clunky, the second season has pacing issue but overall I really enjoyed it. If you watch all the other shows, I do suggest a binge watch is

Agreed!, I thought the flash episode was pretty okay and all but whoah!, that Legends episode was incredible!!..Its like the DC shows are taking a turn at being the best and worst each season!. Legends was the worst last season and the flash was..well..it was better than all the other shows..but thats because they