
I think you did!..in the comments section of last weeks review right?..almost a identical comment I think, because I got Dejavu on the "Its way quicker and gives me more time to work on my videogame backlog" part. I dunno everyone is all joining on the Barry messes up" hate, but I have been waiting for them to show us

She is such a non character on that show, whenever someone brings up her name..I think..who!?.

I was more ticked off about the whole initiative thing and that machine/frankenstien thing, Adam, the guy that looked like John Weasley shipp, he was the worst!..what annoyed me about Riley is that did nothing with his story, just when he was starting to get dark and allow vampires to drink his blood, he leaves.

Yes I was refering to Oliver and Felicity, two central characters on Arrow. I do think its worth watching though. Arrow is a great binge watch, even its worst seasons have some great moments in them (and are much more palatable over a short period of time).

I loved that scene that was just recently, it was a flashback of when he started putting on the hood and Anatoly said "whats that thing you are doing with your voice!?".

Yes I would like to know too! (genuinely, no sarcasm from me here). It seemed to me like Alex was just being very observant and pointing out patterns that she either doesn't notice or was trying to hide.

Its happening!!…they are pulling a Smallville!!(reference to Lena and Kara being on the same path of Lex/Clark with the former turning evil over time..hope they stick to the landing a bit better than that show, they didn't know what to do by the time he went evil and it went on for so long that the actor wanted out).

Yeah and people thought Olivers "arrow" voice was bad!..guardians sound like he is speaking through a fog horn!.

I think so!, I have no alternate universe copy of the show..(though that would be cool!, I always pictured a alternate season 2 of 24, called 24: White where Jack Bauers wife wasn't killed off for drama and Kim was a strong female character and not a damsel and there were no couger moments…ah one can dream!). Yes he

Your questions "is he the girl now?" Essentially yes, they are turning established gender roles on there head. They are showing you the opposite of what a stand boy/girl relationship looks like, on television at least, though I have a couple male friends that are essentially the girl in the relationship while the wife

In the most cliched way too!..a knife to the chest in a "loving embrace", only done in almost every show and film out there…if they wanted to really go interesting..they could have had him knife her instead!!..but then all the so called feminists would start yelling about the fridging of women to advance the plot.

You have made some really good points here. The double standards with Mon El, I just really don't get the hate. Yes he gets a lot of screen time but he is her boyfriend now. There has been a lot of silly talk about what Feminism means and how Mon El is steeling the show and its no longer Feminist, yet it is actually

Because its "the writers of Supergirl haven't read Romeo and Juliet" [Complete Idiots guide to supergirl, Prologue: why the writers suck].

Maybe she is a frog eating clone!..in any case, her presence in this episode annoyed me a lot more than anything Mon El has done (and her murder of Lar Grand was really on the nose, I saw it coming a mile away!). I just assumed that he would be the main through line for the season. Since Kara's original purpose was

Kinda wrong thread, I've seen her get praised practically all the time in the Legends of tomorrow thread. She is awesome. Actually some were saying Henwick is a better actress than Caity Lotz, I disagree entirely. As you said, Henwicks fighting is nothing, compared to Lotz.

That is true. though I will say they did do one fight scene in season 4 that was pretty awesome. I think it was episode 5. but yeah most of her scenes were bad. if its not a storytelling thing, you would think they would have learned by now. But they didn't after Laurel, they threw mister Terrible into the field so he

I still think Mon Els story has first and foremost been secondary to Kara's. They have changed genre conventions around and at this point Mon El is doing his best to fit inside her world. Essentially, Kara is filling the same role, Cat filled last season. When you strip it down, its two people with different

Soo..I finally managed to completely watch this episode! (been so interesting reading and replying here that its taken me so long to finish it!). I will say this, how can a show like supergirl, in some ways subvert genre tropes (the Mon El/Kara relationship, which is the opposite of traditional gender norms, Mon El

Does anyone know who the president really is? (I know she is a Alien, the much is obvious, actually that "reveal" was given away when she was first introduced anyway, so if the answer is, she was definitively revealed to be alien, then that is underwhelming).

oh yeah!!. My bad! (facepalms!). I was going to bring up the deadpool parody of that too!. I kinda forgot about that!, the signature phone booth trick!.