
That is pretty hilarious actually!..so its indicating that..he was able to read half the play (and understand it) but not the first two lines that give away the very ending that he didn't know about!..clearly the writers did not do there homework..it indicates that they personally haven't read it.

I dunno, his episodes on the flash have been pretty good so far, but he's been receiving some pretty crappy episodes of Supergirl. There is this one (though I admit I really liked this episode a lot, but its not the favored opinion) and the one with Mon El and Kara on that alien planet that had Kevin Smiths daughter,

That is not what I said at all. I'm saying violence breeds violence, hate causes more hate. How can someone truly fight back without becoming the very evil they are fighting?. If that involves killing another human being, is that right?. If the oppressed fight back, then they start killing, raping, and doing the same

Your term, what was it again, oh yes "common sense". Also known as the"basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge things that are shared by ("common to") nearly all people and can reasonably be expected of nearly all people without need for debate". So..on Mon Els planet..slavery is the norm…so isn't having

Respectfully disagree. Making Mon-El a part of that again, adds some interesting layers to the character and also opens up the room for discussion.Storytelling has progressed now that we can have very morally ambiguous characters and see them change and grow over time. If they had the comic book Mon-El know that, that

Yeah absolutely! I can completely understand the similarities!
Riley = a control freak, upset that Buffy is way stronger than him. Has no idea what to do now that he can no longer fit role of the boyfriend that protects the girl.
Mon El = is completely aware that Kara is stronger, was a little scared at first but

Not too weird considering this review feels like they wrote it in their sleep (lazy and not well thought out).

The biggest saving grace I'm looking for, for the rest of this season of the flash, is the reveal of Savitar. It wouldn't completely redeem a otherwise pretty lackluster season, but it could either screw it up entirely, or be so grand that it would make us evaluate the entire season with fresh eyes. Considering all

Still..he is a product of his time. Its really hard for others to truly see how bad their actions are until they are out of their environment. Its not like he chose to be the owner of slaves or to be born in to a family that advocated for that type of inequality and oppression.

Exactly!, that is what I meant by "a shorthand". Sorry I should have mentioned that, that was what I was referring to. Its much more easier (and fun) to say "Goddammit Barry!!"..rather than.."Goddammit the writers of the Flash!".

That is a good point!. Though that is a tough one too because I have seen that same actor in a lot of other cop shows, also essentially playing the same character (a hard ass cop) though I will say that he is at least given the least of the idiot balls than the rest of the cast. Though I would love it if they cast

Its a real shame!, I liked him in the O.C but its pretty hilarious seeing this show as he is essentially acting like the same character!..I can't look at him half the time without thinking….Ryan Atwood!..the problem is we don't have a Sandy Cohen to walk in the room with Bagels and call him a idiot!.

Very glad to hear that. I will stick to the pretty good quick watch guide you placed there. Some questions, you said episode 10 and 11 of season 2 wrap up the galavan arc, was that one started earlier in the season?. and the first time I started thinking Gotham was starting to get remotely interesting was when they

Also thanks a lot for the summary!, very helpful. I didn't want to slog through that much comic history to find all that out. Certainly would be quite the chore.

Okay, that's good. It seems like this is a show that is better binge watched. Just from what your telling me, it feels like the schlocky storytelling is more palatable when watched together than once a week. (but it sounds like its a lot better than season 1!, ugh I hated Fish!).

and it bypasses the borring bloated Bruce Wayne trying to find out if his parents are corrupt or not arc?

Exactly!, I really like this thread too, a lot of very respectable and nuanced opinions. Yes, Felicity was one of my favourite characters in season 1 and 2, then she became the Scrappy in season 3 and 4 (I really wonder if the actress got sick of crying so much!, I know I would!) and season 5 have made BIG strides to

ok thanks! I might just do that. Specifically what episodes of the second season that introduce Mr Freeze and Strange?.

Wow!,,really when you think about it, I know comics are a different medium but the way they have to pile contrivance on top of contrivance, they're nothing more than a day time soap with a superhero coating on it…in the form of a comic book.

I dunno if I'm willing to take that plunge!…I watched up to episode 9 of season 1 of Gotham and…well before Iron Fist, I never seen so many people running around with the idiot ball!!. Everyone on that show had it! it was like the ring of doom!. Nothing made sense!. I read about the rest of the season and ugh it