
It is certainly my favorite of the DC shows this season so far (with, would you believe it!, Arrow in close second!..it most certainly has bounced back this season).

Exactly!, its hilarious to think how a show that was mocked and derided originally as a Avengers knockoff, is arguably giving us a better version of the Avengers, because the DC Arrowverse isn't scared of throwing woman into the mix and giving us a true balanced ensamble (the stereotype that audiences would run away

Glad at least someone has mentioned this!. I think all these reviewers keep seeing this show through a so called "Feminist" lens. In that if she is not front and center in screen time, its not feminist or its not her show. That is total BS, and as you and AmaltheaElanor have pointed out, it is totally subverting

Oh really!? Okay!..you have piqued my interest, I won't force, I do want to encourage though!..what was Golden Age Superman's power levels?, in brief summary.

I have got to say it, this has been bugging me for a long time now, its a minor quibble but this annoyance has been springing up a lot!…when did Kara become the flash!!??. I get it, she can fly really fast, does that mean she has Super speed too!??..her ability to get changed as fast as Barry just seems

oh!..I get it now!..thanks! (that thing really looks dangerous though, the jerky movements of throwing yourself up and down it could cause serious injury).

More like they're throwing HIM at the wall and trying to see if HE sticks!…SPOILER!: he doesn't!.

I have yet to see Parks and Rec (will get to it someday) but I do agree completely with the Tami/Eric comment.

I like to think of it as more of a shorthand, because they literally threw a spanner in both the Barry/Iris and Kara/Mon-El subplots, just to have a contrived excuse for the crossover to happen in the first place (its the same thing as what they did with Barry/Cisco for the 3 part crossover although that was arguably

I like that, it gives the entire plot a darker dimension. You mean the fact that he had slaves?.

I agree, I also think its just the writing, this is a different situation to the Laurel one (in that the writing on Arrow, wrote to her limitations as a actress) in that I really like Mehcad Brooks and I find him just a charming actor…the problem is its like the writers..they are seeing him in a very surface level

I dunno, I have always been on the fence about this because I really do like the character. More importantly, from what the producers said in interviews, I always just assumed that he would be the important through line of the season. So it didn't shock me when that ended up being the case…the only problem is they

Why do they call it the Salmon ladder anyway?. Its a very odd name..its always confused me "that is steel beams..not fish!".

I really liked that episode..but..there was so much of it that were nonsensical..for example, the "music meister" himself. "you two created this place based on your love of music" (never mind the fact that we had NEVER seen Barry or Kara even be remotely interested in music, and the flash back to Barry's childhood

Exactly!, more writers should watch Friday Night Lights, its the perfect show in that, it shows, you can have drama AND a happy couple too!.

You haven't seen much of the show Vikings have you?. There is a character in it called Lagertha, played by actress Katheryn Winnick. She holds a 3rd degree black belt in Tae kwon do and a second degree black belt in karate. She has the same physical build and size as Katie Cassidy (and they actually look a lot alike,

They wrote Laurel to act too much like a sorority girl early on. I watched the whole series again a year ago and I was shocked at just how whiny she was even in the first episode. It was like she was trying to imitate Blair from Gossip Girl!.

They already are, that is way too big of a mental image to just leave there. I would say I am 95% positive that, that is foreshadowing for a episode of the Flash next season (not with all those villains, but Grodd vs king shark will be a definite)

Ilike the dynamic between Nate and Ray…but…they really wasted Ray's arc this season, I thought him questioning his value would lead to a different looking suit, nope not by much!.And there was also that one episode wonder mention of Ray having a twin brother named Sydney: now there is a plot!, a evil Ray/twin messing

To be fair to Katie Cassidy, I think the majority of the problem comes from how she was written. She was fine in the 100th episode of Arrow as innocent Laurel. The problem can be traced all the way back to the pilot. I binged the series with a friend of mine a year ago and I couldn't help but noticing how even then,