
I dunno, Nate and Amaya seem like one season wonders to me. I just don't see them getting rid of the core members.

It's like the have it in for the Lances, they kill off Sara in season 3, Laurel in season 4, what next!, Quentin dies at the end of this season?….Uh oh!.

I still wonder if that was just the role she was playing, making the combat look stupid by purpose, to show her inexperience. So, I am curious how it looks like now she is portraying someone with a lot of experience.

he is usually a one (or two at most) season wonder. The guy is practically the television equivalent of Sean Bean.

I do hope they address it too, my theory is that this Snart is from 3 years ago (or is it 4?). In any case I assume its before he even met the flash (which Barry did have a hand in starting, but wasn't the true cause of becoming a hero like the BS writers of that recent Flash episode indicate). I'm cautiously

Still, you know that the rewrite of the timeline isn't probably going to leave many lasting repercussions (since we know all too well that the Arrowverse isn't that good with action and consequence). The next episode looks cool and all, but I do worry that it feels nothing more than "a very special episode" territory,

Isn't that the same thing?

Def one of the worst writing decisions they made. That would be like killing off Fisk after 7 episodes and replacing him with..gao for the rest of the season, or killing off Harold, also in episode 7 for him to come back to life as stupid and insane as Danny Rand..oh.

it sucks because I thought Gao was quite terrifying in the ealier episodes, 3 or was it 4? when you hear her voice through the darkness and she forces Harold to sit on his knees and get cut up by the glass. It is a big case of two things, lighting and tone. If you don't have a antagonist that really grabs the

Yeah that is true. Hell, you put a dog in street clothing and it would probably make a better Iron Fist than Jones!. Stephan Amell would make a better iron fist!..Not so much Oliver Queen, he would wonder why his hand is glowing all the time and would start punching the house down trying to turn it off!!.

oh wow lol! so jumpy from a first floor building window in Germany is the equivalent to jumping from the second floor (or second story) height in other countries?.

really!? How?

He does tick off a lot of the box's. That psychologist guy said he showed symptoms of a "anxiety disorder with psychotic features". They got that one half right because he is showing early signs of psychosis (its basically a early form of Schizophrenia, they place that label on patients whom have been in the

That's it!…Danny Rand is forest gump! (played by a worse actor, with Tom Hanks, you wanna hug him, Jones, you want to punch him), it just dawned on me when you mentioned the waving, reminded me of a part in that film when forest waves to lieutenant Dan, and he ignores him in the same way!. Also the same

I wouldn't!, you don't know what disease you'll pick up!: Idiocy, Lunacy, can't write for shit-acy.

It also pissed me off that Danny hurt him so bad. Out of all the Jerks in the series, he was the least dick-ish. I didn't think he deserved that. But again this is such confusing and conflicting characterization, in the first two episodes he is seen doing meditation..yet he is prone to outbursts and temper

I have been waiting for ages for them to review this episode, because its one I simultaneously love and hate. It has the best and worst that the show has to offer. The best part was the fight with the drunken master in China..town?? (I know it was supposed to be China, but the poorly constructed sets, it looked like

Also he had a innocence to him that I saw in that scene alone, that made me think. He could have carried the character in a way that Jones never could. His version of Danny would have hit the note that they were trying to hit "aww!, he is basically just a child, I feel sorry for him!" rather than "what a idiot!". This

My one last thing. (not about this thread, everything here has been exhausted). If you want to see a two hour version of Iron Fist (with even much better special effects, for a 2001 film!). Watch the movie Volcano High!, (has to be the original Korean version, MTV did a dubbed version using the voices of rappers and

I didn't like that either..at first. But it won me over because the purpose of it was to lead in to the future arc plot, of that their romance is doomed to fail because of history and him trying to change his (and her insistence that it was not a good thing) lead him to spill the beans on her own history. That arc I