
ah!, that's right!, I did see there were two tv shows..so two tv shows and a web show. They called the one you mentioned a "wire-fu disaster"..makes me want to watch it now!.

You really should! no use getting into a argument over nothing..the Mortal Combat argument was a good one, I laughed pretty hard (considering his argument was that you can't judge tv shows based on movies, because they have a bigger budget!, problem is, their are only two Mortal Combat tv shows!, a OLD animated one

I think his point is that, he thinks its a mediocre show..but not as mediocre as you do?!…that doesn't make logical sense but hey…also, try not to let him get to you. I spent the past half hour reading this conversation and your logical reasoning was sound. I saw no fault with it, and you held in your frustration

The scene especially where he walks in to his office in episode 4 and runs under the desk and she is like "uh, what are you doing?". and he is like "there are stickers here, that I left when I was a child" and she gives a look of "yeah ok, that makes sense but don't take too long, I gotta go and make some money here!"

I dunno, Amaya would give her a run for her money.

Wait..what!…are you saying that they advertised the promo for the next episode….in between this episode!??..WTF!!.

Oh yeah!, I forgot about that!, Assassin's creed 2 right?. Too many games with the word "Sphere" in it!, get mixed up in the spelling (that and Sphere looks way cooler than Spear).

I just went back and watched the season 2 finale, fight between Oliver and Slade and I was struck by something. During that fight, Slade wanted to prove that Oliver was a murderer. That he enjoyed killing, very similar to what Chase is doing now. But what fascinates me is how well this carries over as a continuation

Hmm yes that is a good point, I will agree with that, that it didn't stick with the landing. It would have been much more interesting if Sara had died in slade's hands and that would have made season 3 a much more convincing exploration of grief. My problem is it felt forced and while I do agree that Malcolm's plan

True, don't wanna stink out the comment section of a great show with comments about a terrible one. My bad.

I looked back at the review, your right, he said "snart (who is not a hallucination)". I thought it was quite obvious that, all the other times he was a hallucination and in this episode he wasn't. Its obvious that the scene where Damian Dhark talks to Thawne "its time to change the game". That is when they went back

I disagree, "Unthinkable" was a very well balanced hour. It successfully built off the stakes from the episodes before it, gave every character their moment to shine and ended with a amazing fight between Oliver and Slade, intercuting the present fight with the past, a technique they went back to in this episode.

A fucken pencill!.

wait..THE DA VINCI CODE IS FICTION!! (Jumps out the window!…of the first floor..bugger!).

24 was the worst instigator of this. I really liked that show for a entertainment level, mainly because Keifer sutherland was amazing in the role. But it gave a really bad message (if you want to stop a nuke, find the right guy, torture him and you will save the day!). I was well and truly horrified to learn that the

I somewhat agree with that, except for the plotline where Malcolm had Thea under some kind of hypnosis and got her to kill Sarah, that whole thing was stupid. Oh and this was the season where Laurel became the black canary and learned how to fight after a few boxing lesson, also a terrible plotline

Its basically the same lesson Walter White learned in Breaking Bad, that he didn't sell meth because he wanted to provide for his family (a excuse he always made). But that he did it because he liked it, he was good at it. But people in general will go to great lengths to lie, even to themselves if the truth of that

Its certainly more believable than the unreasonable explanation of how a dumb american boy could become Iron Fist.

You mean the times that Snart was a Hallucination?..I think the only time this season that we have seen a "flesh and blood" Snart was in the last episode. I don't think any other time that, that was Snart. That was a hallucination, because only he could see him, Stein couldn't see him.

I dunno, bar a few episodes I for the most part have enjoyed this season of Supergirl. I agree that it is VERY overstuffed. We have Cadmus. Jeremy Danvers, the president whom maybe a alien, the green martian/white martian plot, Mon-el, super-man (whom we will likely never see again). and then relationship drama on top