
I'm so glad I watched legends before watching this episode!. It helped soften the blow of all the legends treating Mick like a dick and I was on the "fuck Stein" bandwagon. I still think Mick should have punched him. But this episode sure made me smile and damn Victor Garber has a good voice!!.this was a amazing

What was the great creative decision in season 3?

Definitely the contrived drama angle..by specifically using death as a dramatic tool. Its interesting to note that the worst seasons of Arrow began with a death (or the knowledge that death was coming) and it loomed over the seasons like a bad smell and sucked the energy out of everything. Season 3, Sarah dying.

Since they love turning everything on their heads. Ever since Chase was revealed to be Prometheus. I wondered if that would go complete bat shit crazy and reveal Tommy to be Vigilante instead!.

I played the EA access demo and while the opening level is a little borring, it wasn't terrible. Gotta say I really love the character customization!. Which I'm glad because the standard Ryder's look so bland! (and the father looks worse!..for being played by the great Clancy Brown!, come on guy's! you can do better

That it feels so much like ME1 is one of the things I love about the game so far (ME1 was always my favourite of the three for the reasons you described above). The positive (for all the haters, though I am not one of them) is that this game leaves room for them to come out swinging with a sequel that may be praised

that is true. Environmental factors play a big influence but they affect certain people a lot more than others and visa versa…However..the Lena arc appears to be heavily influenced by the Lex/Clark arc in Smallville, I would say that its very possible that she will become evil by season 5 the latest and next season at

That is actually its correct spelling! (I'm not kidding, though it is funny) does make it funny when Kara says "Alex always said I know how to put the KARA in the Kara-oke!!",

That still doesn't track. Yes the example of him pointing the gun at Sara is worth mentioning, but at that point, I would argue it was nothing but bravado. The scene your referring to when he betrayed the team, was BEFORE Cold left him on that planet and he got captured by the time masters, turned him into Chronos. He

I see your point. Carol's arc has had quite a few bumpy roads. it really depended on who was running the show. When it was frank darabont, running the show, she was the ex abused wife. When Glen Mazarra picked up the pieces in season 2 and 3 (most of season 2 was still influenced by darabont), her change in character

Wow!, the show has a musical episode and all the idiots fly out of their caves to comment how this episode sucks (it doesn't). I was disappointed that there weren't enough original numbers (Buffy is still the champion when it comes to a musical episode done right). But overall I loved it. Again the lack of original

Yes and yes. Its kinda a must watch because it carries over the conflict over issues with Mon-El, if you skip it you would be horribly confused when you watch the next episode of Supergirl.

Yeah I noticed that too!…he was less music meister and more..Crisis Angel!.

Actually..I was thinking more of Legends!, I think Legends would make a amazing musical episode!. Considering Legends is the most operatic of the four shows it would be the one that fits. I have a suspicion that the actress whom plays Gideon has a amazing voice!, for her to do a Duet with Rip!, I would pay to see

That is a TERRIBLE example!. There are a lot of things in the walking dead that doesn't work, Carol is huge exception. Her overall has been very well executed. She has the best arc in writing and execution, its staggering how different a person she is now, from who she was in the pilot. Highlighting her arc just

You mean because it was funny?. I really like how Rip is gelling with the team so far. As he said, Rip was never a good leader, was a little hot headed and couldn't really handle the pressure. I like that this season, he is no longer (im sad!, my wife and son are dead!). We get it! its a sad thing but he said it about

You mean because it was funny?. I really like how Rip is gelling with the team so far. As he said, Rip was never a good leader, was a little hot headed and couldn't really handle the pressure. I like that this season, he is no longer (im sad!, my wife and son are dead!). We get it! its a sad thing but he said it about

I did too!, that's what I meant about the ice cream scene almost killed me..I was laughing so hard. as was the fountain scene I mentioned (when he is walking into the street and I think its a busted water main, and the kids are playing in the water. and he walks to the water and the woman is like "hey!, the kids were

The recent reveal that season 4 will have the Flash facing the shows first non-speedster villain as a main threat does give me hope (and it better not be a cop out like this season, with the reveal that non-speedster villain Dr Alchemy is really just speedster villain, Savitar, using Julian as a human telephone).

I really enjoyed this episode for the first half…until the mid point when the entire team just decide to throw Mick under the bus!. This was a whole new low. Everything was going so good!, the return of Cold was really well done!. Then suddenly Stein is mad at Mick for revealing the details of the sphere to Cold when